installed xp with usb drive

This article is very useful, and therefore I publishing it right here,

This is a way to reinstall xp with flash. First I just thought that only Linux can be like this, but apparently windows can.

Yes, let's to the point, following a re-install using the flash:
First, move the windows xp to flasdisk with the software below, (download first) USB_PREP8. Before moving windows XP should flasdisk in the first format using PeToUSB I have to prepare.

Please download USB_PREP8 and PeToUSB (you can search at google)
Download USB_PREP8
Download PeToUSB

After you download the file above extrak file. and then follow the steps below:

2x click the file to format the USB PeToUSB (remember Flasdisk already attached)

Click the star button then press Yes

After format is complete close PeToUSB

Then insert the Windows XP Installan in flasdisk
2x usb_prep8.cmd click on the folder existing usb_prep8

it will appear like this (the Windows XP CD you have entered)

Press any keyboard key to continue

Press 1 to select the drive where the windows installation files are located, (Change XP Setup Source Path, currently)

A window will appear and select the drive containing the Windows XP setup CD you. Click [OK]. For example in F, click in there, ok

Then select the menu number 3) Change USB-Drive Target Letter, currently
Type the drive letter that contains your USB Flash Disk. For example, on drive H:

Once completed select the menu number 4 Make New TempImage with XP LocalSource and Copy to USB-Drive

Press Y to start the formatting

Press any keyboard key to continue

Press yes to copy temporary files to usb

Yes again and press

Press Yes again

after the press any key to end the process
Once completed in Flasdisk can use to make re-install

Before you begin the installation make sure that the booting sequence is set up so that you bootnya's first USB Flash Disk.
aja to enter BIOS menu. How, turn on the computer / laptop you press delete or F2 on the keyboard

After that go to the settings in the Bios booting
Change first boot (the first podići) USB Hard Drive / Flash Drive Cd I use the first boot is CD-ROM (see here can be reset using the install CD)

Click Save and Exit, the computer will restart.

If all goes smoothly, at the time the computer will turn back to boot from a USB Flash Drive and you will show the options menu

Select the [TXT Mode Setup Windows XP, Never Unplug USB Drive Until After logon].
IMPORTANT: Do not pull out the USB Flash Drive to a Windows XP installation is completed entirely.

Windows XP setup will start. Do as if you are using a CD

After the setup finished copying files to your hard drive, setup will make the computer restart.

IMPORTANT: Select the [GUI Mode Setup Windows XP, Continue Setup + Start XP].
Windows Setup will continue to use the display setup GUI (Graphical User Interface) while copying from a USB Flash Drive.

Continue installation as usual.

If you are finished you can pull out the USB Flash Drive. USB / Flasdisk you can use to perform repair your Windows XP when there are problems or interference on your windows XP.

How to Restore Grub

At This Time I want to Share my experience, that, how was to restore if our Grub at computer is missing.

This is almost happened if we installed 2 OS in Our computer, Like windows and Linux (dual boot).

For example, if anytime our windows is broken/error, and we must to Formatting it, and if we finished installed windows again, and we start the computer, i'm sure, our grub is lost..

Well, To put it back quite simple actually,

this the way:

1. Boot your computer with a CD using linux (ubuntu) or Flashdisk.
2. Select the option to try to use Linux without installing (Live CD)
3. Entrance to the terminal
4. Type sudo grub
5. Type find / boot/grub/stage1
6. root (hd0 see it, if I have hd0, 5)
7. Type setup (hd0, 5) (depending on your property)
8. Type quit
9. Restart, remove the CD, or you pull the flash.

Easy huh?

Install the Alexa Page Rank Blog

Alexa Rank is a tool that can be used to measure the traffic from our blog. How to measure this is to show that the number decreased, so as perangkingan system in general. Where if the good / trafficnya many, then the number will decline. 

Alexa will know the number of visits to a website or blog based on information from the computer's internet browser installed alexa toolbar. Therefore, for the blog or website owner who want to get accurate data about the number of visitors is to install the alexa widget on the blog or webnya. In short, install the alexa widget on the blog, then the 

Those interested in installing alexa rank widget is how, is as follows. : 
Log in to the site 


2. Click the site for Owners, Then Select Side Widgets true 

3. Type the URL of your blog, and then click Build Widgets, then the image will appear as follows.: 


4. Select a widget that will be used from the 3 options available, namely: 

Button (120 x 95) 
Vertical Banner (120 x 240) 
Banner (468 x 60) 


5. Copy / paste the html code of the selected widgets into your blog 

6. How to install Alexa Rank blog: 
Login to "" 
Go to the "Layout or Lay Out" 
Select the "Add Gadget" 
Select the "HTML / JavaScript" 

Enter the script from before, and then click "Save" 


7. Done ...

Preventing Virus Autorun.Inf

Lately a lot of input-output devices that bring the virus into my computer. terutama virus yang memanfaatkan autorun.inf. primarily utilize the autorun.inf virus. ini seringkali membuat repot, jadi saya langsung mencaqri solusi untuk mencegah virus tersebut di internet. often make this difficult, so I immediately mencaqri solutions to prevent the virus on the internet. ini adalah cara untuk merncegah virus tersebut merusak data kita. This is a way to merncegah virus damage to our data.

Pada dasarnya, sistem autorun yang dijalankan secara otomatis oleh komputer ketika kita memasukkan media USB Disk (Flash Disk atau Hard Disk) atau CD-ROM harus dimatikan. Basically, the system autorun run automatically by the computer when we enter the media USB Disk (Flash Disk or Hard Disk) or CD-ROM must be disabled. Melalui program autorun inilah virus autorun.inf akan menyerang komputer kita. Through this program autorun autorun.inf virus akan attack our computers.

1a. 1a. Mematikan sistem autorun dapat dilakukan dengan dua cara. Turning off the autorun system can be done in two ways. Cara pertama adalah menjalankan program berikut: Start | Run dan ketikkan gpedit.msc. The first way is to run the following program: Start | Run and type gpedit.msc. Akan muncul jendela Microsoft Management Console (MMC) yaitu piranti administratif untuk mengatur jaringan, komputer, layanan, dan komponen lain: Window will appear Microsoft Management Console (MMC) that is administrative tools to manage a network, computers, services, and other components:

Kita cari “Turn off Autoplay” yang ada di bagian Computer Configuration | Administrative Templates | System. We find "Turn off Autoplay" which in the Computer Configuration | Administrative Templates | System. Lakukan seting dengan cara mengklik kanan dan memilih Properties. Do with the settings right clicking and selecting Properties. Kita pilih Enabled dengan pilihan Turn off Autoplay untuk All drives. We select the Enabled option Turn off Autoplay for All drives.

Dengan demikian, kita telah mematikan fitur autoplay untuk media apa pun (khususnya USB Disk dan CD-ROM) yang kita masukkan ke dalam drive komputer. Thus, we have turned off the autoplay feature for any media (especially the USB disk and CD-ROM) that we enter into the computer drive. Sebagai tambahan informasi, seting ini terdapat juga di bagian User Configuration | Administrative Templates | System. For additional information, there are also settings in the User Configuration | Administrative Templates | System. Namun jika terjadi konflik, seting di bagian Computer Configuration akan memiliki presendensi yang lebih tinggi. However, if the conflict happens, the setting in Computer Configuration akan have presendensi higher. Restart Komputer. Restart Computer.

1b. 1b. Cara kedua mematikan fitur autorun adalah menseting sistem registry melalui jendela Registry Editor. How to turn off the autorun feature is menseting through the system registry Registry Editor window. Mulai dari Start | Run dan ketikkan regedit. Start from the Start | Run and type regedit. Akan muncul jendela berikut: The following window will appear:

Arahkan mouse ke HKEY_CURRENT_USER | Software | Microsoft | Windows | CurrentVersion | Policies | Explorer. Mouse over to HKEY_CURRENT_USER | Software | Microsoft | Windows | CurrentVersion | Policies | Explorer. Jika langkah 1a telah dilakukan, maka akan terdapat seting registry: NoDriveTypeAutoRun bertipe REG_DWORD dengan nilai hexadesimal FF atau desimal 255. If step 1a has been performed, then the registry settings there akan: NoDriveTypeAutoRun bertipe REG_DWORD with the value hexadesimal FF or decimal 255.

Jika belum, lakukan langkah 1b. If not, do step 1b. Klik kanan mouse untuk menemukan menu New dan pilih menu DWORD value. Click the right mouse menu to find the menu and select New DWORD value. Di kolom nama, ketikkan “NoDriveTypeAutoRun”. In the column name, type "NoDriveTypeAutoRun". Klik kanan pada kolom tersebut dan pilih menu Modify. Right-click on the column and select Modify menu. Akan muncul jendela berikut: The following window will appear:

Isilah Value data dengan nilai FF untuk Base Hexadecimal atau 255 untuk Base Decimal. Fill in the Value data to the value FF hexadecimal or 255 Base to Decimal Base. Lakukan seting yang sama di bagian HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | Software | Microsoft | Windows | CurrentVersion | Policies | Explorer. Make the same settings in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | Software | Microsoft | Windows | CurrentVersion | Policies | Explorer. Restart komputer. Restart the computer.

2. 2. Menggunakan software Flash Disinfector Using the software Flash Disinfector

Software ini berisi program yang berfungsi untuk menghapus file autorun.inf yang ada di media dengan suatu folder bernama autorun.inf yang dibangkitkan sekaligus diproteksi oleh oleh program tersebut. This software program contains a function to delete the autorun.inf file on the media to a folder called autorun.inf that at once protected by raised by the program. Karena saya menggunakan Avira Antivir, program ini dideteksi sebagai virus. Because I use Avira Antivir, this program is detected as a virus. Tidak masalah, karena yakin ini bukan virus maka cek pada Ignore sehingga program Flash Disinfector akan dijalankan. No problem, because it sure is not a virus check on the program so that Ignore akan run Flash Disinfector.

Begitu program dijalankan, maka akan tampil jendela sebagai berikut. Once the program is run, it will appear the following window. Setelah kita klik OK, sesaat monitor akan blank dan selanjutnya proses perlindungan terhadap serangan autorun.inf telah selesai. Once we click OK, as soon akan blank monitor the process and further protection against autorun.inf is finished.

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