How to / Tips Eliminate burn wound trace

When we recently experienced mild burns like motor exhaust is exposed to a hot frying pan or a light in the stove, we must address them immediately so that the wound did not leave the former or at least minimize its former incurred.

How, soon rendam to the injured in the water with normal temperature (± 27 ° C) about 5-10 minutes. This aim to be the temperature of the injured immediately neutral, because the part of the increased temperature. After that, the new oleskan salep special burn the quality guaranteed. Oleskan accordance with the instructions of routine, keep your skin as they are re-mulus.

There are still some people who believe myths to overcome the burn wound with a smear of ketchup, margarine, oil, and even toothpaste. In fact, it would lead to infected wounds, difficult to recover, and imprint.

I certainly can eliminate / minimize the scar caused.

Chromosome number of the Human, Animal And Plant

Chromosome is a structure that contains DNA makromolekul in which the genetic information stored in the cells.

Number of chromosome Living Being

1. Having the human chromosome 46
2. Having a dog chromosome 78
3. Having chicken chromosome 78
4. An onion chromosome 16
5. Having rice chromosome 24
6. Sea Star has 94 chromosome
7. Having bean chromosome 22
8. Own Land worms chromosome 36
9. Having Cemara chromosome 24
10. Gamdum Own Beer chromosome 14
11. Bread wheat has 42 chromosome
12. Having Hidra chromosome 32
13. Ikan Mas Own chromosome 94
14. Corn has 14 chromosome
15. Having mushroom chromosome 4
16. Pea Own chromosome 14
17. Having turkey chromosome 82
18. Kapah Penicillium Own chromosome 2
19. Having cotton chromosome 52
20. Frog has 26 chromosome
21. Kecoa Own 23 / 24 chromosome
22. Having donkey chromosome 62
23. Having potato chromosome 48
24. Kera has 48 chromosome
25. Cucumber has 14 chromosome
26. Cabbage has 18 chromosome
27. Cats Own chromosome 38
28. Own horse chromosome 64
29. Own House fly chromosome 12
30. Having radish chromosome 18
31. Merpati has 80 chromosome
32. Have mosquito chromosome 6
33. Having yeast chromosome 34
34. Cattle chromosome 60 has
35. Having chimpanzee chromosome 48
36. Own tobacco chromosome 48
37. Own House mouse chromosome 40
38. Irrigated mouse chromosome 42 has
39. Own tomato chromosome 24
40. Silk worm has 56 chromosome


If the income of the building is only sufficient to make the
payments and expenses and you don't gain any cash flow, you are
still getting the building paid for and perhaps in 5 years or so,
with continuing inflation, you can sell the building for
$200,000... a gain of $95,000 on a $5,000 investment. This is the
potential result of proper use of leverage.

A good rule to follow in applying leverage, relevant to any
business venture for that matter, is always provide a reserve.
Hold back some cash for emergencies. Hold back additional capital
so if you go under you will have a nest egg to start a new

Sometimes when things go sour and there is no way out it is
better to take the least loss possible, save what you can and get
out...NOW! Use the remainder to again find financing, margin
leases, mortgages, franchises and all the other manners of using
money belonging to others for both their profits and yours.

Selling your property for cash then leasing back on a long term
lease is an other form of leverage. If you sell for one million
dollars cash and lease back at $10,000 per month, you have
generated tremendous leverage. You now have $1,000,000 each with
10% down for each property, you now control 10 millions dollars
worth of income producing properties. Sometimes it is possible to
use options to hold property, with very little cash down, until
you can obtain title and take possession. This can produce
fantastic leverage if planned property.

Going public is an other method used to gain leverage by using
other people's money. You receive money from the public for
shares of your corporate stock and at the same time establish a
market value for your unissued stock.

Before you apply leverage on any proposition, be sure know just
what your are doing. There must be a continuous favorable cash
flow to service your debt, pay all your costs and expenses and
give you a reasonable profit. If weakness occurs in any one or
several of your business entities, it could drag down your entire


Franchising your business operation packet is another form of
leverage. You are selling others your know-how and the right to
use your system and/or product for a price, either a share of the
profits, a bulk payment or a combination of both.

It is not as simple as it used to be to become a franchiser, due
to controls and red tape established by the various state and
governmental agencies. In some states it is just about impossible
for the layman to proceed to wade through all the red tape
required to satisfy the laws. However, if it were easy to do, it
probably would not be profitable anyway.

When you have met all the requirements of the various agencies,
you will have an operating manual and pro-forma accounting
statement...You will have developed a turn-key package for your
franchise offering

To get started right get revised statutes of the state from the
Secretary of State and study the requirements for establishing
and selling franchises.

As your franchises become better known and after you have a few
locations, instead of selling one franchise at a time, offer area
franchise to "master" franchise holders. Get a portion of the
set-up charges for each area plus a continuing percentage of
gross business from each operating unit.



You can earn interest on non-existent money and buy bonds on a
regular basis without ever paying for any of them except the
first five bonds. You will need $500 in cash and a brokerage
account in both the U.S. and Canada. Open an account with a
canadian brokerage House and deposit a &500 check with them. On
the same day, before your check clears, open a brokerage account
in your home town. This one may be opened without any money.

You buy new issue bonds through your American Broker and state
that they MUST be delivered to your Canadian Broker for payment.
The very day that you purchase the bonds, you will start drawing
interest. It will take 5 or 6 weeks for the bonds to be
delivered, and all the time you will be earning interest.

With this plan, you can space your order so that you can have
$1000,000 or more in bonds on order. and when they arrive at your
Canadian Broker, it works like this:

The Broker accept the first five bonds of $1,000 each and place
them in your account. When the second $5,000 worth arrives, (you
must always order in $5,000 units), he then sells the first bonds
to pay for the third, etc...

The results are BIG profits for non-cash existing money. You can
actually earn up to 80% interest on money you don't even have.

Often the new bonds will have an increase in resale value to add
to the interest earned. Thus a $5,000 bond at 8% interest rate
that takes 60 days to deliver would earn $67.00 interest. If they
go up in value, you may pick up an additional $200 to $500 or
even more when they are sold.


Periodically a great deal of money has been made dealing in Penny
Stock but it is highly speculative and is perhaps once in a
lifetime that one is able to hit it right to cash in with a
spectacularly high yield.

To take some of the speculation out of it, many investors
purchase only 100 shares or so, of a number of different
company's stock. In this way they may only $50 to $100 invested
in each of 40 to 50 firms. This is one of the best ways to go
when getting acquainted with this kind of investment.

The stock of one of the Nation's larger firms, which now has
outlets in about every city in the United States, was selling at
60 cents a share in 1963. 100 shares at that time for a total of
$60 is now valued at over $75,000!

$9,000 invested in 1948 in stock of what was then a small timber
firm, was worth over $1,000,000 a few years ago, and in addition
would have proceed average dividends over the years sufficient to
equal a top salary each year. A person who invested at that time
would have been able to "goof off" from that time forward,
receive more money than working for a living and still have over
a million dollars in the bank or for other investments.


The best money-making product of all is a "How-TO" report such as
this one. You don't have to be a literary genius, or even an
experienced writer to write one of these reports. In fact, the
easiest way is to buy a set of these reports--read them each
over, set it aside and write a similar one with more elaboration
or from a different point of view. Give your report a
commercially appealing title, set a price for it, advertise it
widely in a number of nationally circulated mail order
publications, and you could have something that will continue to
bring in money for you for many years to come.

The absolute best money-maker of them all is a report you've
found a great need for, researched thoroughly, and written from
scratch. Discovering these needs is not that difficult a task.

If you don't have the time to write and market one of these
reports, or just cannot produce one for whatever reason, the next
thing is to purchase a set of these reports with reproduction
rights. Here, you can have a number, reprinted for as little as
one or two cents each, and sell them for one to five dollars
each. The only problem with that approach is that after a year,
nearly everyone in mail order will have a copy of these reports,
and will be trying just as hard as you are to sell them.

Now, if you have bought the reproduction rights to the reports,
you simply rewrite them, put new titles on them, make up a new
advertising circular, and send them out as new reports each year.
There are a number of mail order self-help reports that have been
making the rounds for the past 25 years in just this manner.

Just because you haven't got the time or the tools to write one
of these reports is no reason for not producing one. If you have
an idea or the background material, and the confidence that such
a report will sell--get in touch with someone who specializes in
this kind of writing.., and have them put the finished product
together for you. Generally, the fees will run to $100 per page.
But this is an "incidental fee" indeed, if you come up with
something that has the potential of bringing in several thousand
dollars per year for the next ten years or so. Remember, once you
have it together and written, you just continue making copies of
your original and filling prepaid cash orders for as long as you
wish to stay in business.

You should also have advertising circulars, a catalog or a
"follow-up" offer for every order you get. Many people make the
mistake of "sending their whole store" in response to every
inquiry. When you receive an inquiry to your advertising, you
should have a prepared sales letter describing the item you're
advertising, and perhaps a circular listing in catalog style some
of the other products that tie in with the product of your sales
letter. This is known as the "Featured Selection Plus Alternates"

When you receive an order for the product you've been advertising
or featuring in your direct mail efforts, include one of your
product catalogs in the package with the customer's order. The
most effective practice is to include an advertising circular or
brochure of a leader item or special-of-the-month, and your
catalog. The main thing NOT to do is include more than a couple
of separate "featured selection" circulars. Keep your eyes on how
the big mail order houses do it, and duplicate their operating
plan within your own means.

The important point to remember here is to be sure to include
something different--something new--something your customer has
not seen or been offered a chance to buy--with each contact you
make with him. Once you've broken the ice and got him spending
money with you, continue showing him products of a related nature
that should stimulate his appetite for greater success. For sure,
he'll never be more in mood to buy from you than when he receives
something he has ordered. So every time you fill and send out an
order to a buyer, include an opportunity for him to buy even more
from you.

You can make a very comfortable income, but you'll never get rich
so long as you're having your orders dropshipped for you. Having
a connection with a prime source that will dropship orders for
you is one of the surest and best ways to "learn" the business of
selling by mail--but if you really want to make it big, you'll
use dropshipping sources for learning, and to back up your
primary product with follow-up offers.

If you don't have a primary product of your own, the next best
thing is to buy in quantity lots at wholesale prices. A word of
caution here, though: do not buy a quantity supply of anything
until you've seen a sample of the product and thoroughly tested
the saleability of that product.

Too often, the beginner is sold a quantity of a certain product
at so-called wholesale prices, only to find that after he had
spent his capital he either doesn't want to put forth the effort
and time to sell that particular product, or that he can't "give
it away," let alone sell it. Suppliers who operate for you
orders, generally derive most of their income from the sale of
these initial "required" inventories. Always investigate and
check out the saleability before you buy anything more than just
a single sample.

Selling your reports depends on your advertising. You have to get
the word out that you have "money-making information" available
for sale. Start out small by using short classified type ads.
Look at how the established mail order report sellers are doing
it, and copy their methods. Do not copy their ads--instead, use
them as idea stimulators for your own original copy. Place an ad
in one of the largest circulation publications you can find, then
use the money that comes in from the first ad to place similar
ads in three or four other publications.

One of the insider secrets of the mail order business is in
multiplying your advertising exposure. This means simply that you
start with an ad in one publication, and from there, expand your
exposure by advertising in more publications. Be patient, and
wait for the returns from your current ads, then use that money
to increase the number of people who will have a chance to see
your ad. It's as simple as that, and it works every time. Try it
and see for yourself.


The best money-making product of all is a "How-TO" report such as
this one. You don't have to be a literary genius, or even an
experienced writer to write one of these reports. In fact, the
easiest way is to buy a set of these reports--read them each
over, set it aside and write a similar one with more elaboration
or from a different point of view. Give your report a
commercially appealing title, set a price for it, advertise it
widely in a number of nationally circulated mail order
publications, and you could have something that will continue to
bring in money for you for many years to come.

The absolute best money-maker of them all is a report you've
found a great need for, researched thoroughly, and written from
scratch. Discovering these needs is not that difficult a task.

If you don't have the time to write and market one of these
reports, or just cannot produce one for whatever reason, the next
thing is to purchase a set of these reports with reproduction
rights. Here, you can have a number, reprinted for as little as
one or two cents each, and sell them for one to five dollars
each. The only problem with that approach is that after a year,
nearly everyone in mail order will have a copy of these reports,
and will be trying just as hard as you are to sell them.

Now, if you have bought the reproduction rights to the reports,
you simply rewrite them, put new titles on them, make up a new
advertising circular, and send them out as new reports each year.
There are a number of mail order self-help reports that have been
making the rounds for the past 25 years in just this manner.

Just because you haven't got the time or the tools to write one
of these reports is no reason for not producing one. If you have
an idea or the background material, and the confidence that such
a report will sell--get in touch with someone who specializes in
this kind of writing.., and have them put the finished product
together for you. Generally, the fees will run to $100 per page.
But this is an "incidental fee" indeed, if you come up with
something that has the potential of bringing in several thousand
dollars per year for the next ten years or so. Remember, once you
have it together and written, you just continue making copies of
your original and filling prepaid cash orders for as long as you
wish to stay in business.

You should also have advertising circulars, a catalog or a
"follow-up" offer for every order you get. Many people make the
mistake of "sending their whole store" in response to every
inquiry. When you receive an inquiry to your advertising, you
should have a prepared sales letter describing the item you're
advertising, and perhaps a circular listing in catalog style some
of the other products that tie in with the product of your sales
letter. This is known as the "Featured Selection Plus Alternates"

When you receive an order for the product you've been advertising
or featuring in your direct mail efforts, include one of your
product catalogs in the package with the customer's order. The
most effective practice is to include an advertising circular or
brochure of a leader item or special-of-the-month, and your
catalog. The main thing NOT to do is include more than a couple
of separate "featured selection" circulars. Keep your eyes on how
the big mail order houses do it, and duplicate their operating
plan within your own means.

The important point to remember here is to be sure to include
something different--something new--something your customer has
not seen or been offered a chance to buy--with each contact you
make with him. Once you've broken the ice and got him spending
money with you, continue showing him products of a related nature
that should stimulate his appetite for greater success. For sure,
he'll never be more in mood to buy from you than when he receives
something he has ordered. So every time you fill and send out an
order to a buyer, include an opportunity for him to buy even more
from you.

You can make a very comfortable income, but you'll never get rich
so long as you're having your orders dropshipped for you. Having
a connection with a prime source that will dropship orders for
you is one of the surest and best ways to "learn" the business of
selling by mail--but if you really want to make it big, you'll
use dropshipping sources for learning, and to back up your
primary product with follow-up offers.

If you don't have a primary product of your own, the next best
thing is to buy in quantity lots at wholesale prices. A word of
caution here, though: do not buy a quantity supply of anything
until you've seen a sample of the product and thoroughly tested
the saleability of that product.

Too often, the beginner is sold a quantity of a certain product
at so-called wholesale prices, only to find that after he had
spent his capital he either doesn't want to put forth the effort
and time to sell that particular product, or that he can't "give
it away," let alone sell it. Suppliers who operate for you
orders, generally derive most of their income from the sale of
these initial "required" inventories. Always investigate and
check out the saleability before you buy anything more than just
a single sample.

Selling your reports depends on your advertising. You have to get
the word out that you have "money-making information" available
for sale. Start out small by using short classified type ads.
Look at how the established mail order report sellers are doing
it, and copy their methods. Do not copy their ads--instead, use
them as idea stimulators for your own original copy. Place an ad
in one of the largest circulation publications you can find, then
use the money that comes in from the first ad to place similar
ads in three or four other publications.

One of the insider secrets of the mail order business is in
multiplying your advertising exposure. This means simply that you
start with an ad in one publication, and from there, expand your
exposure by advertising in more publications. Be patient, and
wait for the returns from your current ads, then use that money
to increase the number of people who will have a chance to see
your ad. It's as simple as that, and it works every time. Try it
and see for yourself.


STEP # 1 PART determine HOUSE TO USE

Choose one of the areas of family activity. Space that is perfect
separate room (or perhaps in the garage), but each area will be done, if
can hold all the business supplies and equipment, and
provide enough space for work bench, table or counter.

STEP # 2 determines the amount you can spend TIME TO BUSINESS

Many people start a business at home part-time basis while
raising children or working outside the home. Other start
full-time and allow the family finances. However, beginning,
May I know the hours per week, you can devote to the business
Make a weekly chart your activities, examine, and determine
business where appropriate. Do not assume that you have the time and know
You do not wait.

STEP # 3 decide on the type OF BUSINESS

Create a list of things you want done, your work and volunteer
experience, and items you own that can be used in the business.
Look over this line-up, and use the ideas from that, the list may
business to get started. Eliminate every business that is not interesting
or does not meet the needs of the community.

For ideas on different types of business, consult the end
this article. Other ideas can be found in the source material
listed at the end of this article.


Three forms of the basic law is the only property, partnership,
and the corporation. The most common is the only property. As
the name, the only property owned by one
individuals. This is the oldest form of business, it's easy to
start, and the most complex to dissolve. Here are some
advantage of this form of business:

1. You have all the advantages
2. Your business is easier and cheaper to manage. You do not need to
any government approval, although you may be asked to bring
city, state or local license. Your only other obligation is
notify the Internal revenue Service (IRS) for the purposes of
sales tax.
3. You're the boss
4. You enjoy certain tax savings.
You must pay regular individual taxes on income, wealth,
and salaries, but it does not apply as a special tax, such as the
corporation. You also have to pay sales tax you have
received from your customers.
5. Incentives and greater personal satisfaction. Because you have
You will lose your investment if your business does not succeed, you
should be more willing to put time, thought and energy into
business. And when your business is successful, you enjoy maximum
sense of accomplishment since you know that success depends
on your decision about your own management ability.

For more information about this and other forms of business, send
for the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Publications
MP25. Law choose to structure your business (50 cents).
There is a note of the advantages and disadvantages of each type of law
structure. If after reading it you are still not clear what
form of business should take, consult an attorney.

STEP # 5 determine where THE MONEY WILL COME FROM

There are three ways to finance the start-up costs: use your own
money, obtain loans, or find investors. If possible, the
better to start small, using the savings, and does not need to worry
repaying debt. also note that since you are a
home-based, opportunity qualification for a loan or seek investors
gent to the success of your idea is proven.

STEP # 6 collects information
Spend some sunday investigate home-based business. A library or
bookstore can provide a lot of books about the basics of business, and the
specific types of businesses that interest you. Homemade Money
by Barbara Brabee (see sources) is a very good book to start

If you are considering a computer business, get in touch with
Electronics association; Cottagers, P.O. Box 1738, Davis, CA
95617-1738. To have information about what is happening at home
business, contact the National Home Business report, PO Box
2137, Naperville, IL 60566, for subscription information and
Mother's Home Business Network, P.O. Box 423, East Meadow, NY
11554 (send SASE for free information).

STEP # 7 CHECK ON zoning limits

Knowing how you are zoned, the call City Hall and ask
regulations that apply to home businesses in the zone. Also, if
You rent or live in a condominium, or homeowner's rent check
association rules to be certain a home business is allowed.

In general, if you do not disturb the neighbors with excess noise,
odors, and traffic, you will not be deterred from running
business at home. The neighbors may not even be aware
business, but need to know exactly what you can and
can not be done before you start. This is an important problem that must be
or questions arise later.


If you select a business that is a different form of the name, a file
assumed (or fictitious) name certificate with the area. You
notified if another business that already has a name, so you can
select a new one.

Do this before investing in expensive stationery and brochures.
The price is only a few dollars to file, and protect the business
from the name used by other people in the region.


Good business plan that explains your ideas and form a plan
action. A good business plan must include a description
what you sell, then the background and qualifications, who
potential customers and where they can be found, what
required to build the business, how you plan to promote, and how
money needed for start-up costs.

SBA Publication # M925, Business Plan for Home Based Business
($ 1) is useful.

STEP # 10 GET AN Identify NUMBER

If you are the sole owner of the business and does not have
employee, you can use the Social Security number or
Employee Identification Number (ein) as in the number
official form. If you have employees, or business that is set up
as a partnership or corporation, you must obtain ein. To do
this, complete IRS Form SS-4 (Application for Company
Identification Number) and file with the nearest IRS Center.

STEP # 11 Getting Permission SALES TAX

If the product or service you sell is a tax, you need a
sales tax permit. Call the local tax agency, explain the type of
business you have and what you sell, and ask if you need to
collect sales tax. If you do, they will send the necessary
information and forms to complete. You can also use the tax
when you purchase items for resale.

STEP # 12 Getting LICENSES & Permits

This is very important not to overlook the necessary license or
permission. For example, some cities and states require public
business license, and most have special laws on
preparation and sale of food.

Call City Hall to find out what you need to
business. In addition, the Chamber of Commerce provides information about
city, state and local licenses and permits.

STEP # 13 SELECT BUSINESS CARDS, Stationery, brochures

Spend time on the color, design and paper for the item. They
certainly make an impression, good or bad-on the people who receive
them. If you are not sure what the most appropriate and effective,
consult with a creative graphic designer or a printer that you

STEP # 14 OPEN A BUSINESS checking account

Call several banks to find out what services they offer, and what
minimum balance, if any, must be maintained in order not to pay
service charge. Also ask about credit card if you plan to offer
for the convenience of your customers. Bank fees can be quite large,
so shop around for the best deal.

If your personal checking account with the credit union, see if
it can also provide a separate business account. when you open
account, you may need to show the assumed name certificate
and business permits.

Finally, investigate obtaining a credit card in the business
name. If this is not possible, set aside personal credit card
used for the costs of business.


Collecting a simple and effective bookkeeping system with 8
1 / 2 x 11 "three-ring binder, sheet and pad column twelve
pocket dividers from the office supply store. For each month, set
column on the sheet to the income and expenditure. Use a pocket divider
for each month of the money, bank, deposit tickets and
canceled checks.

In addition, an entrance to the car business mileage, and filing
system correspondence, invoices, supplier catalogs, client
notes, and others are two other tools are useful.

For more information about the record-keeping, see IRS publication # 583,
Information for Business taxpayers.


If you comply with basic IRS guidelines, you can take a
the percentage of normal household expenses (mortgage, interest,
taxes, insurance, utilities, repairs, etc.) as business
cost. see the box with this article, and for more
detailed information, IRS publication # 587, Business Use of the

Also become familiar with the IRS forms: Schedule SE
(compensation of Social Security Self-Employment Tax) and
Schedule 1040 ES (estimated for the Individual Tax). Depending
situation, you may need to file them.


Make a list of all that is required to start a business, but
before you buy anything, look around your home for things
already own the useful.

When you're ready to start purchasing, check the classified ads
and garage sales. Both are good, inexpensive sources for office
furniture, typewriters, computers, machinery answerer, etc. However,
only what is absolutely necessary for start-up, and wait until
business is off to get additional land.

STEP # 18 decided PHONE TERMS

Phone calls for companies to know the cost of business
phone in your area. If you can not afford a separate business
line, investigate the telephone company regulations on the use
in your personal business phone. You may be able to do so
if you follow certain guidelines. Save the record distance
calls as their businesses have reduced the cost. Finally,
consider the benefits of a machine to catch calls when
You exit.


Using a post office box as the business address down plays
Even your home-based. This also prevents customers from dropping
in all day.

While to see in the box rental, ask for information on the various
postal rates, particularly bulk rate, if you plan to make a large or
special letter. If you mail many packages, check the United States
Parcel Service (UPS), because it is cheaper than the post

STEP # 20 which required the purchase of INSURANCE

Check with the dealer about Homeowners insurance rider for your
policies that have or need for a separate business policy. Also
make sure you have enough personal responsibility and product
coverage. Shop around, because every company has different rules
about home business

To save money on health insurance, join the association and
participate in group plans. One of the body of the National
association for the self-employed: they can be reached at

STEP # 21 set HOUSING & Yourself

To have more time for business, manage the household and to simplify the
routines. Start with the garage sale can be cured
property that is not necessary. Next, have a family conference and
divide the tasks of households, so that everyone does not believe it
section. The, make planning notebook to keep track
promise, it should be done, to make a call, to run errands,
shopping, etc. Finally, set the work schedule so that you will not get
sidetracked by TV, neighbor visits, snacking, and telephone

Creating and operating a home business is a beautiful and
exciting challenge. Satisfaction is not only on the money
received, but in doing what makes you happy.



- because walls are hollow, there can be hidden space behind
every wall in every room.

- the ideal spots are behind solid, fixed items, like coat racks,
or boards along closet walls supporting the clothes hanging pole.

- remove the attachment and hollow out a compartment.

- make sure you camouflage your handiwork well.


- ceiling and wall beams are popular architectural features in

- make one of the false beams (one which doesn't offer much
support) moveable, and hollow an opening out of its top or back


- a common source of easily overlooked space is found at the base
of a bookcase. The lowest shelf is usually raised above the
ground level several inches, and this space is enclosed with a

- if you can make the lowest shelf removable, you can attach your
valuables to the underside of this shelf by means of magnets.


- one of the easiest-to-construct compartments is one behind a
baseboard. These strips of wood that run along your walls next
to the floor are so common, no thief would give them a second

- choose a short section of board, and carefully pry it away
from the wall with a crowbar.

- now hollow out a hole, and replace the baseboard.


- wall paneling offers a method of opening large areas of dead

- your best choice is behind actual boards nailed to the wall
individually, not behind the four-by-eight sheets.


- for a compartment offering little depth, but a large area of
space, you can construct a hollow right behind a full-length
mirror on your closet door.

- hollow out your compartment, then mount your mirror with
sliding tabs.


- complicated secret spaces built into furniture have for
centuries been favorites.

- a simple approach is to remove the molding of a table or desk,
and make a hollow.


1. To make your own baking powder, stir and sift together 2
parts of Cream of Tartar to 1 part baking soda and 1 part

2. Be sure to keep an extra box of baking soda by your stove in
case of grease or electrical fire. Scatter the powder by the
handful to safely put it out.

3. Keep a container of baking soda in your garage as well as in
your car to put out a fire. It won't damage anything it touches.

4. Baking soda will also put out fires in clothing, fuel, wood,
upholstery and rugs.

5. Clean vegetables and fruit with baking soda. Sprinkle in
water, soak and rise the produce.

6. Wash garbage cans with baking soda.

7. Soak and wash diapers with baking soda.

8. Oil and grease - stained clothing washes out better with
soda added to the washing water.

9. Clean your fridge and freezer with dry soda sprinkled on a
damp cloth. rinse with clear water.

10. Deodorize your fridge and freezer by putting in an open
container of baking soda to absorb odors. Stir and turn over
the soda from time to time. Replace every 2 months.

11. Soda absorbs kitty litter odors. Cover the bottom of the
kitty box with 1 part soda; then add a layer of 3 parts kitty
litter on top.

12. Always add 1/2 cup soda to your washing machine load.

13. Clean combs and brushes in a soda solution.

14. Wash food and drink containers with soda and water.

15. Wash marble-topped furniture with a solution of 3
tablespoons of soda in 1 quart of warm water. Let stand awhile,
then rinse.

16. Clean formica counter tops with baking soda on a damp

17. Wash out thermos bottles and cooling containers with soda
and water to get rid of stale smells.

18. To remove stubborn stains from marble, formica or plastic
surfaces, scour with a paste of soda and water.

19. Wash glass or stainless steel coffee pots (but not
aluminum) in a soda solution ( 3 tbsp. soda to 1 quart water).

20. Run you coffee maker through its cycle with a soda
solution. Rinse.

21. Give baby bottles a good cleaning with soda and hot water.

22. Sprinkle soda on barbecue grills, let soak, then rinse off.

23. Sprinkle soda on greasy garage floor. Let stand, scrub and

24. Polish silverware with dry soda on a damp cloth. Rub,
rinse and dry.

25. For silver pieces without raised patterns or cemented-on
handles: place the silver on aluminum foil in an enamel pot.
Add boiling water and 4 tbsp. baking soda. Let stand, rinse and

26. Reduce odor build-up in your dishwasher by sprinkling some
soda on the bottom.

27. Run your dishwasher through its cycle with soda in it
instead of soap to give it a good cleaning.

28. To remove burned-on food from a pan: let the pan soak in
soda and water for 10 minutes before washing. Or scrub the pot
with dry soda and a moist scouring pad.

29. For a badly-burned pan with a thick layer of burned-on
food: pour a thick layer of soda directly onto the bottom of
the pan, then sprinkle on just enough water so as to moisten the
soda. Leave the pot overnight, then scrub it clean next day.

30. Rub stainless steel and chrome with a moist cloth and dry
baking soda to shine it up. Rinse and dry. On stainless steel,
scrub in the direction of the grain.

31. Clean plastic, porcelain and glass with dry soda on a damp
cloth. Rinse and dry.

32. Remove that bad smell from ashtrays with soda and water.

33. Sprinkle a bit of dry soda in your ashtrays to prevent
smoldering and reduce odor.

34. Clean your bathroom with dry soda on a moist sponge - sink,
tub, tiles, shower stall, etc.

35. Keep your drains clean and free-flowing by putting 4
tablespoons of soda in them each week. Flush the soda down with
hot water.

36. Soak your shower curtains in water and soda to clean them.

37. To remove strong odors from your hands, wet your hands and
rub them hard with soda, then rinse.

38. Sprinkle baking soda on your wet toothbrush and brush your
teeth and dentures with it.

39. Sprinkle soda in tennis shoes, socks, boots and slippers to
eliminate odor.

40. Add 1/2 cups or more of baking soda to your bath water to
soften your skin.

41. Putting 2 tbsp. of baking soda in your baby's bath water
will help relieve diaper rash irritations.

42. Apply soda directly to insect bites, rashes and poison ivy
to relieve discomfort. Make a paste with water.

43. Take a soda bath to relieve general skin irritations such
as measles and chicken pox.

44. Take 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water to
relieve acid indigestion or heartburn.

45. Gargle with 1/2 tsp. baking soda in 1/2 glass of water.
Freshens and cleans your mouth.

46. Used as a mouthwash, baking soda will also relieve canker
sore pain.

47. To relieve sunburn: use a paste of baking soda and water.

48. Bug bites: use a poultice of baking soda and vinegar.

49. Bee sting: use a poultice of baking soda and water.

50. Windburns: moisten some baking soda and apply directly.

51. Making Play Clay with baking soda: combine 1 1/4 cups
water, 2 cups soda, 1 cup cornstarch.

52. Use soda as an underarm deodorant.

53. If your baby spits up on his shirt after feeding, moisten a
cloth, dip it in baking soda and dab at the dribbled shirt. Tho
odor will go away.

54. When scalding a chicken, add 1 tsp. of soda to the boiling
water. The feathers will come off easier and flesh will be
clean and white.

55. Repel rain from windshield. Put gobs of baking soda on a
dampened cloth and wipe windows inside and out.

56. Add to water to soak dried beans to make them more

57. Add to water to remove the "gamey" taste from wild game.

58. Use to sweeten sour dishcloths.

59. Use dry with a small brush to rub canvas handbags clean.

60. Use to remove melted plastic bread wrapper from toaster.
Dampen cloth and make a mild abrasive with baking soda.


There are so many imple, yet really sure-fire ways of acquiring
wealth, it's a wonder everybody with even the least bit of
ambition isn't already rich. When you come right down to it, the
only things needed for anyone to make bundles of money are the
long-range vision and the energy to put a money-making plan into

One of the easiest methods of building wealth, and the one most
often used by the "smart" people, is to furnish the expertise,
equipment or growth capital to promising beginning business.
Basically, you buy in as either a part owner or limited partner;
then, as the busines grows and propers with your help, you reap
your share of rewards.

The beautiful part about this whole concept is that you can
repeat this procedure over and over again. You can start out
with, say marketing and sales leadership for small, garage-type
business; then with your holdings and earnings from that
business, invest in another, and keep doing this until you own a
part of twenty-five to an unlimited number of businesses. Looking
at the idea from a dollar return point of view, if you were
getting $200 per month from 25 different business, your monthly
income would amount to no less than $5,000 and that's not too bad
for a fledgling millionaire.

Look around your own area. With just a little bit of business
sense and perception, you're sure to find hundreds of small
businesses that could do better--perhaps even become giants in
their--with your help.

Most small businesses need, and would welcome marketing,
promotional, advertising, and sales help. If a quick survey of
business turns you on with enthusiasm about the potential profits
to be made with just a few changes that you can suggest, then you
are on your way.

Basically, you set up an appointment to see and talk with
business owners about some ideas and help that could double or
triple their profits. When you approach them in that manner,
their almost certain to want to see you and hear want you have to

In prepartion for your meeting, set your ideas down on paper. Put
them together in an impressive marketing or profit potential
folio. Outline your ideas, the costs involvrd and the ultimate
profit to be gained.

Then, when you arrive for the meeting, be sure to look nad act
the part of a successful business person.A few pleasantries to
break the ice, and begin with your presentation.

Through your proposal, you must instill confidence that you can
do all you claim for him. Guide him through the presentation to
the ultimate profits---- all for a 10 or 20 percent limited
partnership in the business, which really won't cost him
anything. Of course, if he is reluctant to give up any part of
his ownership, you come back with the idea of being hired as a

Almost all small businesses need help of some kind. The owners
get bogged down in a myraid of every day problems and things to
do. They find there just are not enough hours in the day to
handle everything that should be taken care of, and end up
neglecting or putting off some of the things they should be doing
to keep the business prosperous. As a result, the long struggle
for business survival begins, with more than 60% of them selling
out at a loss or just closing up shop.

The other way to " cut yourself in" on a piece of someone else's
business is to supply needed money. If you can come up with 10 or
15 thousand dollars, you can easily "buy into" some small
businesses. Be sure to look the business ( and its market
potential) over; but once you spot one that can really be a
winner with just a little bit of operating cash or money for
expansion, then start figuring!

You can reach a never ending supply of such businesses to choose
from, simply by running a small advertisement in your daily
newspaper in the .Classified section under the heading of
Business Opportunities Wanted. Such an ad might read:


By the same token, make it a habit to look through the Business
Opportunities Available on a regular basis. Mark a few each day
and follow up. Check them out, And see what kind of a deal is
being offered. Remember, proper management and planning are
basically the ingredients to success in business; and most small
businesses just do not have these ingredients in the proportions
needed to attain their greatest profit potential


Every successful business is built upon, and continues to thrive,
primarily, on good advertising. The top companies in the world
allocate millions of dollars annually to their advertising
budget. of course, when starting from a garage, basement or
kitchen table,you can't quite match their advertising
efforts---at least not in the beginning. But there is a way you
can approximate their maneuvers without actually spending their
kind of money. And that's through "P.I" Advertising.

"P.I." stands for per inquiry. This kind of advertising most
generally associated with broadcasting, where you pay only for
the responses you get to your advertising message. It's very
popular--somewhat akin to bartering--and is used by many more
advertisers than most people realize. The advantages of PI
Advertising are all in favor of the advertiser because with this
kind of an advertising arrangement, you can pay only for the
results the advertising produces.

To get in on this "free" advertising, start with a loose leaf
notebook, and about 100 sheets of filler paper. Next, either
visit your public library and start poring through the Broadcast
Yearbook on radio stations in the U.S., or Standard Rate and Data
Services Directory on Spot Radio. Both these publications will
give you just about all the information you could ever want about
licensed stations.

An easier way might be to call or visit one of your local radio
stations, and ask to borrow (and take home with you) their
current copy of either of these volumes. To purchase them
outright will cost $50 to $75.

Once you have a copy of either of these publications, select the
state or states you want to work first. It's generally best to
begin in your own state and work outward from there. If you have
a moneymaking manual, you might want to start first with those
states reporting the most unemployment.

Use some old fashioned common sense. Who are the people most
likely to be interested in your offer, and where are the largest
concentrations of these people? You wouldn't attempt to sell
windshield de-ice canisters in Florida, or suntan lotion in
Minnesota during the winter months, would you?

At any rate, once you've got your beginning "target" area decided
upon, go through the radio listings for the cities and towns in
that area, and jot down in your notebook the names of general
mangers, the station call letters, and addresses. be sure to list
the telephone numbers as well.

On the first try, list only one radio station per city. Pick out
the station people most interested in your product would be
listening to. This can be determined by the programming
description contained within the date block about the station in
the Broadcasting Yearbook or the SRDS Directory.

The first contact should be in the way of introducing yourself,
and inquiring if they would consider a PI Advertising campaign.
You tell the station manger that you have a product you feel will
sell very well in his market, and would like to test it before
going ahead with a paid advertising program. You must quickly
point out that your product sells for, say $5, and that during
this test, you would allow him 50% of that for each response his
station pulls for you. Explain that you handle everything for
him: the writing of the commercials, all accounting and
bookkeeping, plus any refunds or complaints that come in. In
other words all he has to do is schedule your commercials on his
log, and give them his "best shot." When the responses come in,
he counts them, and forwards them on to you for fulfillment. You
make out a check for payment to him, and everybody is happy.

If you've contacted him by phone, and he agrees to look over your
material, tell him thank you and promise to get a complete
"package" in the mail to him immediately. Then do just that.
Write a short cover letter, place it on top of your "ready-to-go"
PI Advertising Package, and get it in the mail to him without

If you're turned down, and he is not interested in "taking on"
any PI Advertising, just tell him thanks, make a notation in your
notebook by his name, and go to your next call. Contacting these
people by phone is by far the quickest, least expensive and most
productive method of "exploring" for those stations willing to
consider your PI proposal. In some cases though, circumstances
will deem it to be less expensive to make this initial contact by
letter or postcard.

In that case, simply address you card or letter to the person you
are trying to contact. Your letter should be positive in tone,
straight forward and complete. Present all the details in logical
order on one page, perfectly typed on letterhead paper, and sent
in a letterhead envelope. (Rubber-stamped letterheads just won't
get past a first glance.) Ideally, you should include a
self-addressed and stamped postcard with spaces for positive or
negative check marks in answer to your questions: Will you or
won't you over my material and consider a mutually profitable
"Per Inquiry" advertising campaign on your station?

Once you have an agreement from your contact at the radio station
that they will look over your materials and give serious
consideration for a PI program, move quickly, getting your cover
letter and package off by First Class mail, perhaps even Special

What this means is at the same time you organize your "radio
station notebook," you'll also want to organize your advertising
package. Have it all put together and ready to mail just as soon
as you have a positive response. Don't allow time for that
interest in your program to cool down.

You'll need a follow-up letter. Write one to fit all situations;
have 250 copies printed, and then when you're ready to send out a
package, all you'll have to do is fill in the business salutation
and sign it. If you spoke of different arrangements or a specific
matter was discussed in your initial contact, however, type a
different letter incorporating comments or answers to the points
discussed. This personal touch won't take long, and could pay

You'll also need at least to thirty-second commercials and two
sixty-second commercials. You could write these up, and have 250
copies printed and organized as a part of your PI Advertising

You should also have some sort of advertising contract written
up, detailing everything about your program, and how everything
is to be handled; how and when payment to the radio station is to
be made, plus special paragraphs relative to refunds, complaints,
and liabilities. All this can be very quickly written up and
printed in lots of 250 or more on carbonless multi-part snap-out
business forms.

Finally, you should include a self-addressed and stamped postcard
the radio station can use to let you know that they are going to
use your PI Advertising program, when they will start running
your commercials on the air, and how often, during which time
periods. Again, you simply type out the wording in the form you
want to use on these "reply postcards, and have copies printed
for your use in these mailings.

To review this program: Your first step is the initial contact
after searching through the SRDS or Broadcasting Yearbook. Actual
contact with the stations is by phone or mail. When turned down,
simply say thanks, and go to the nest station on the list. For
those who want to know more about your proposal, you immediately
get a PI Advertising Package off to them via the fastest way
possible. Don't let the interest wane.

Your Advertising Package should contain the following:
1. Cover letter
2. Sample brochure, product literature
3. Thirty-second and sixty-second commercials
4. PI Advertising Contract
5. Self-addressed, stamped postcard for station
acknowledgement and
acceptance of your program.

Before you ask why you need an acknowledgement postcard when you
have already given them a contact, remember that everything about
business changes from day to day---conditions change, people get
busy, and other things come up. the station manager may sign a
contract with your advertising to begin the 1st of March. The
contract is signed on the 1st of January, but when March 1 rolls
around, he may have forgotten, been replaced, or even decided
against running your program. A lot of paper seemingly "covering
all the minute details" can be very impressive to many radio
station managers, and convince them that your company is a good
one to do business with.

Let's say that right now you're impatient to get started with
your own PI Advertising campaign. Before you "jump off the deep
end," remember this: Radio station people are just as
professional and dedicated as anyone else in business---even more
so in some instances--so be sure you have a product or service
that lends itself well to selling via radio inquiry system.

Anything can be sold, and sold easily with any method you decide
upon, providing you present it from the right angle. "hello out
Who wants to buy a mailing list for 10 cents a thousand names?"
wouldn't even be allowed on the air. However, if you have the
addresses of the top 100 movie stars, and you put together an
idea enabling the people to write to them direct, you might have
a winner, and sell a lot of mailing lists of the stars.

At the bottom line, a lot is riding on the content of your
commercial---the benefits you suggest to the listener, and how
easy it is for him to enjoy those benefits. For instance, if you
have a new book on how to find jobs when there aren't any jobs:
You want to talk to people who are desperately searching for
employment. You have to appeal to them in words that not only
"perk up" their ears, but cause them to feel that whatever it is
that you're offering will solve their problems. It's the product,
and in writing of the advertising message about that product are
going to bring in those responses.


Most of these people are making the extra money they need. Some
have wisely and carefully built these extra income efforts into
full-time, very profitable businesses. Others are just keeping
busy, having fun, and enjoying life as never before. The
important thing is that they are doing something other than
waiting for the government to give them a handout; they are
improving their lot in life, and you can do it, too!

The fields of mail order selling, multi-level marketing, and
in-home party sales have never been more popular. If any of
these kinds of extra income producing ideas appeal to you, then
you owe it to yourself to check them out. But these aren't the
only fields of endeavor you can start and operate from home,
with little or no investment, and learn as you go.

If you type, you can start a home-based typing service; if you
have a truck or have access to a trailer, you can start a
clean-up/hauling service. Simply collecting old newspapers from
your neighbors can get you started in the paper recycling
business. More than a few enterprising housewifes have found
success and fortune by starting home and/or apartment cleaning
services. If you have a yard full of flowers, you can make good
extra money by supplying fresh cut flowers to restaurants and
offices in your area on a regular basis. You might turn a
ceramics hobby into a lucrative personalized coffee mug
business. What I'm saying is that in reality, there's literally
no end to the ways you can start and operate a profitable extra
income business from your home.

The first thing you must do, however, is some basic market
research. Find out for yourself, first-hand, just how many
people there are in your area who are interested in your
proposed product or service, and would be "willing to stand in
line and pay money for it". This is known as defining your
market and pinpointing your customers. If after checking
around, talking about your idea with a whole lot of people over
a period of one to three months, you get the idea that these
people would be paying customers, your next effort should be
directed toward the "detailing" of your business plan. The more
precise and detailed your plan - covering all the bases relating
to how you'll do everything that needs to be done - the easier
it's going to be for you to attain success. Such a plan should
show you start-up investment needs, your advertising plan, your
production costs and procedure, your sales program, and how your
time will be allocated. Too often, enthusiastic and ambitious
entrepreneur jump in on an extra income project and suddenly
find that the costs are beyond their abilities, and the time
requirements more than they can meet. It pays to lay it all out
on paper before you get involved, and the clearer you can "see"
everything before you start, the better your chances for success.

Now, assuming you've got your market targeted, you know who your
customers are going to be and how you're going to reach them
with your product or service. And you have all your costs as
well as time requirements itemized. The next step is to set
your plan in motion and start making money.

Here is the most important "secret" of all, relating to starting
and building a profitable home-based business, so read very
carefully. Regardless of what kind of business you start, you
must have the capital and the available time to sustain your
business through the first six months of operation.
Specifically, you must not count on receiving or spending any
money coming in from your business on yourself or for your bills
during those first six months. All the income from your
business during those first six months should be reinvested in
your business in order for it to grow and reach your planned
first year potential.

Once you've passed that first six months milestone, you can set
up a small monthly salary for yourself, and begin enjoying the
fruits of your labor. But the first six months of operation for
any business are critical, so do not plan to use any of the
money you business generates for yourself during that period.

If you've got your business plan properly organized, and have
implemented the plan, you should at the end of your first year
be able to begin thinking about hiring other people to alleviate
some of your workload. Remember this: Starting a successful
business is not a means towards either a job for yourself or a
way to keep busy. It should be regarded as the beginning of an
enterprise that will grow and prosper, with you as the top dog.
Eventually, you'll have other people doing all the work for you,
even running the entire operation, while you vacation in the
Bahamas or Hawaii and collect or receive regular income from
your initial efforts.


You Want to starting a business. But you not have more money to starting,
it's always be hard problem in life. But we must never to give up with it.
we must always think if many solution available to solve this problem.

The task of raising money for a business is not as difficult as
most people seem to think. This is especially true when you have
an idea that can make you and your backers rich. Actually,
there's more money available for new business ventures than there
are good business ideas.

A very important rule of the game to learn: Any time you want to
raise money, your first move should be to put together a proper

This prospectus should include a resume of your background, your
education, training, experience and any other personal qualities
that might be counted as an asset to your potential success. It's
also a good idea to list the various loans you've had in the
past, what they were for, and your history in paying them off.

You'll have to explain in detail how the money you want is going
to be used. If it's for an existing business, you'll need a
profit and loss record for at least the preceding six months, and
a plan showing how this additional money will produce greater
profits. If it's a new business, you'll have to show your
proposed business plan, your marketing research and projected
costs, as well as anticipated income figures, with a summary for
each year, over at least a three year period.

It'll be advantageous to you to base your cost estimates high,
and your income projections on minimal returns. This will enable
you to "ride through" those extreme "ups and downs" inherent in
any beginning business. You should also describe what makes your
business unique---how it differs form your competition and the
opportunities for expansion or secondary products.

This prospectus will have to state precisely what you're offering
the investor in return for the use of his money. He'll want to
know the percentage of interest you're willing to pay, and
whether monthly, quarterly or on an annual basis. Are you
offering a certain percentage of the profits? A percentage of the
business? A seat on your board of directories?

An investor uses his money to make more money. He wants to make
as much as he can, regardless whether it's short term or long
term deal. In order to attract him, interest him, and persuade
him to "put up" the money you need, you'll not only have to offer
him an opportunity for big profits, but you'll have to spell it
out in detail, and further, back up your claims with proof from
your marketing research.

Venture investors are usually quite familiar with "high risk"
proposals, yet they all want to minimize that risk as much as
possible. Therefore, your prospectus should include a listing of
your business and personal assets with documentation---usually
copies of your tax returns for the past three years or more. Your
prospective investor may not know anything about you or your
business, but if he wants to know, he can pick up his telephone
and know everything there is to know within 24 hours. The point
here is, don't ever try to "con" a potential investor. Be honest
with him. Lay all the facts on the table for him. In most cases,
if you've got a good idea and you've done your homework properly,
and "interested investor" will understand your position and offer
more help than you dared to ask.

When you have your prospectus prepared, know how much money you
want, exactly how it will be used, and how you intend to repay
it, you're ready to start looking for investors.

As simple as it seems, one of the easiest ways of raising money
is by advertising in a newspaper or a national publication
featuring such ads. Your ad should state the amount of money you
want--always ask for more money than you have room for
negotiating. Your ad should also state the type of business
involved ( to separate the curious from the truly interested),
and the kind of return you're promising on the investment.

Take a page from the party plan merchandisers. Set up a party and
invite your friends over. Explain your business plan, the profit
potential, and how much you need. Give them each a copy of your
prospectus and ask that they pledge a thousand dollars as a
non-participating partner in your business. Check with the
current tax regulations. You may be allowed up to 25 partners in
Sub Chapter S enterprises, opening the door for anyone to gather
a group of friends around himself with something to offer them in
return for their assistance in capitalizing his business.

You can also issue and sell up to $300,000 worth of stock in your
company without going through the Federal Trade Commission.
You'll need the help of an attorney to do this, however, and of
course a good tax accountant as well wouldn't hurt.

It's always a good idea to have an attorney and an accountant
help you make up your business prospectus. As you explain your
plan to them, and ask for their advice, casually ask them if
they'd mind letting you know of, or steer your way any potential
investors they might happen to meet. Do the same with your
banker. Give him a copy of your prospectus and ask him if he'd
look it over and offer any suggestions for improving it, and of
course, let you know of any potential investors. In either case,
it's always a good idea to let them know you're willing to pay a
"finder's fee" if you can be directed to the right investor.

Professional people such as doctors and dentists are known to
have a tendency to join occupational investment groups. The next
time you talk with your doctor or dentist, give him a prospectus
and explain your plan. He may want to invest on his own or
perhaps set up an appointment for you to talk with the manager of
his investment group. Either way, you win because when you're
looking for money, it's essential that you get the word out as
many potential investors as possible.

Don't overlook the possibilities of the Small Business Investment
Companies in your area. Look them up in your telephone book under
"Investment Services." These companies exist for the sole purpose
of lending money to businesses which they feel have a good chance
of making money. In many instances, they trade their help for a
small interest in your company.

Many states have Business Development Commissions whose goal is
to assist in the establishment and growth of new businesses. Not
only do they offer favorable taxes and business expertise, most
also offer money or facilities to help a new business get
started. Your Chamber of Commerce is the place to check for
further information of this idea.

Industrial banks are usually much more amenable to making
business loans than regular banks, so be sure to check out these
institutions in your area. insurance companies are prime sources
of long term business capital, but each company varies its
policies regarding the type of business it will consider. Check
your local agent for the name and address of the person to
contact. It's also quite possible to get the directories of
another company to invest in your business. Look for a company
that can benefit from your product or service. Also, be sure to
check at your public library for available foundation grants.
These can be the final answer to all your money needs if your
business is perceived to be related to the objectives and
activities of the foundation.

Finally, there's the Money broker or Finder. These are the people
who take your prospectus and circulate it with various known
lenders or investors. They always require an up-front or retainer
fee, and there's no way they can guarantee to get you the loan or
the money you want.

There are many very good money brokers, and there are some that
are not so good. They all take a percentage of the gross amount
that's finally procured for your needs. The important thing is to
check them out fully; find out about the successful loans or
investment plans they're arranged, and what kind of investor
contacts they have---all of this before you put up any front
money or pay any retainer fees.

There are many ways to raise money---from staging garage sales to
selling stocks. Don't make the mistake of thinking that the only
place you can find the money you need is through the bank or
finance company.

Start thinking about the idea of inviting investors to share in
your business as silent partners. Think about the idea of
obtaining financing for a primary business by arranging financing
for another business that will support the start-up,
establishment and developing of the primary business. Consider
the feasibility of merging with a company that's already
organized, and with facilities that are compatible or related to
your needs. Give some thought to the possibilities of getting the
people supplying your production equipment to co-sign the loan
you need for start-up capital.

Remember, there are thousands upon thousands of ways to obtain
business start-up capital. This is truly the age of creative

Disregard the stories you hear of "tight money," and start making
phone calls, talking to people, and making appointments to
discuss your plans with the people who have money invest. There's
more money now than there's ever been for a new business
investment. The problem is that most beginning "business
builders" don't know what to believe or which way to turn for
help. They tend to believe the stories of "tight money," and they
set aside their plans for a business of their own until a time
when start-up money might be easier to find.

The truth is this: Now is the time to make your move. Now is the
time to act. the person with a truly viable business plan, and
determination to succeed, will make use of every possible idea
that can be imagined. And the ideas I've suggested here should
serve as just a few of the unlimited sources of monetary help
available and waiting for you!


In This New Era, Almost everyone needs or wants more money coming in, and with
this desire most would like to start some sort of extra income
producing project. The trouble is, not many of these people seem
able to fit "a second job" into their time schedules.

It's true that most people are busy, but extra time for some sort
of home-based extra income producing project can almost always be
found. It may mean giving up or changing a few of your favorite
pastimes--such as having a couple of beers with the guys or
watching TV--but if you score big with your extra income project,
you will have all the time you want for doing whatever you what
to do.

Efficient time management boils down to planning what you're
going to do, and then doing it without backtracking. Start by
making a list of the things you want to do tomorrow, each evening
before you go to bed. Schedule your trips to the store or
wherever to coincide with the other things you have to do, and
with your trips to or from work. Organize your trips to take care
of as many things as possible while you're out of the house.
take stock of the time you spend on the telephone---and eliminate
all that isn't necessary.

Whatever chores you have to do at home, set aside a specific time
to do them, and a specific amount of time to devote to them. For
instances, just one hour a day devoted to yard work would
probably make your property the envy of all your neighbors. Don't
try to do a week's work in one big flurry. Whether it's painting
your house, fixing leaky faucets, or mowing your lawn and
trimming your shrubs, do a part of it, or one particular job each
day, and you'll be amazed at your progress.

Take care of all your mail the day, you receive it. Don't let
those bills and letters pile up on you. If you're unable to pay a
bill immediately, file it in a special place that's visible, and
note on the envelope the date you intend to pay it. Answer your
letters the same day you get them.

Once you start listing and planning what to do, and then carry
out your plans, you'll find plenty of "extra time" for handling
virtually any kind of home-based income producing project. People
in general may not like routines or schedules, but without some
sort of plan as to what is supposed to be done, the world would
be mired in mass confusion. Laws, ordinances and regulations are
for the purpose of guiding people. We live according to an
accepted plan or way of life, and the better we can organize
ourselves, the more productive and happy we become.

The secret of all financially successful people is simply that
they are organized and do not waste time. Think about it. Review
your own activities, and then see if you can't find a couple of
extra hours in each day for more constructive accomplishments.

When you begin planning, and then when you really become involved
in an extra income producing endeavor, you should work it exactly
as you have organized your regular day-to-day activities---on a
time basis. Do what has to be done immediately. Don't try to get
done in a hour something that's realistically going to take a
week. Plan out on paper what you have to do--what you want to
do--and when you are going to do it. Then get right on each
project without procrastination.

Finally, and above all else, when you're organizing your time and
your business, be sure to set aside some time for relaxation. Be
sure to schedule time when you and your spouse can be together.
You must not involve yourself to an extent that you exclude other
people--particularly your loved ones--from your life.

Taking stock of the time you waste each day, and from there,
reorganizing your activities is what it's all about. It's a
matter of becoming more efficient in the use of your time. It's
really easy to do, and you will not only accomplish a lot more,
you will also find greater fulfillment in your life.

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