Chromosome number of the Human, Animal And Plant

Chromosome is a structure that contains DNA makromolekul in which the genetic information stored in the cells.

Number of chromosome Living Being

1. Having the human chromosome 46
2. Having a dog chromosome 78
3. Having chicken chromosome 78
4. An onion chromosome 16
5. Having rice chromosome 24
6. Sea Star has 94 chromosome
7. Having bean chromosome 22
8. Own Land worms chromosome 36
9. Having Cemara chromosome 24
10. Gamdum Own Beer chromosome 14
11. Bread wheat has 42 chromosome
12. Having Hidra chromosome 32
13. Ikan Mas Own chromosome 94
14. Corn has 14 chromosome
15. Having mushroom chromosome 4
16. Pea Own chromosome 14
17. Having turkey chromosome 82
18. Kapah Penicillium Own chromosome 2
19. Having cotton chromosome 52
20. Frog has 26 chromosome
21. Kecoa Own 23 / 24 chromosome
22. Having donkey chromosome 62
23. Having potato chromosome 48
24. Kera has 48 chromosome
25. Cucumber has 14 chromosome
26. Cabbage has 18 chromosome
27. Cats Own chromosome 38
28. Own horse chromosome 64
29. Own House fly chromosome 12
30. Having radish chromosome 18
31. Merpati has 80 chromosome
32. Have mosquito chromosome 6
33. Having yeast chromosome 34
34. Cattle chromosome 60 has
35. Having chimpanzee chromosome 48
36. Own tobacco chromosome 48
37. Own House mouse chromosome 40
38. Irrigated mouse chromosome 42 has
39. Own tomato chromosome 24
40. Silk worm has 56 chromosome

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