How to Download from youtube without keepvid or any software

If you want to download a videos from youtube, usually you need keepvid or software that can help you...

but, truly you doesn't need step above.... you only need to replace address of youtube become voobys, like bellow

example address of videos that you want:

and replace youtube become voobys like this:



Merry Christmast

hy everybody, i just wanna say 


 to you..


We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Good tidings we bring to you and your kin;
Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Oh, bring us a figgy pudding;
Oh, bring us a figgy pudding;
Oh, bring us a figgy pudding and a cup of good cheer
We won't go until we get some;
We won't go until we get some;
We won't go until we get some, so bring some out here

We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.



Restore GRUB Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala)

hy guys...

now i want to share my experience...

this about how to restore lost GRUB ubuntu 9.10 (karmic koala)

In Ubuntu 9.10, way to restore grub is have a bit different if compare with ubuntu prefiously

This the way to restore your grub:

1. Boot your computer with ubuntu live cd 9.10,
-------------> try ubuntu without instalation.

2. If Desktop has been Appear, then
-------------> click menu place in up left corner Desktop
-------------> click partition, where your place filesystem of your ubuntu.

3. Then the explore bar will appear, then go to  address ,coloumn click, icon paper with pencil to make the address colomn like this


blok this address , then right click your mouse --->copy

4. Open Terminal and type :
---->$sudo grub-install --root-directory=(address of your filesystem)/dev/sda


---->$sudo grub-install –root-directory=/media/742f3C67244954B/ /dev/sda

5. Done, 

reboot your Ubuntu....

if you have windows partition ini your computer, restore it with 

------->$ sudo apt-get install grub-pc

reboot again..


installed xp with usb drive

This article is very useful, and therefore I publishing it right here,

This is a way to reinstall xp with flash. First I just thought that only Linux can be like this, but apparently windows can.

Yes, let's to the point, following a re-install using the flash:
First, move the windows xp to flasdisk with the software below, (download first) USB_PREP8. Before moving windows XP should flasdisk in the first format using PeToUSB I have to prepare.

Please download USB_PREP8 and PeToUSB (you can search at google)
Download USB_PREP8
Download PeToUSB

After you download the file above extrak file. and then follow the steps below:

2x click the file to format the USB PeToUSB (remember Flasdisk already attached)

Click the star button then press Yes

After format is complete close PeToUSB

Then insert the Windows XP Installan in flasdisk
2x usb_prep8.cmd click on the folder existing usb_prep8

it will appear like this (the Windows XP CD you have entered)

Press any keyboard key to continue

Press 1 to select the drive where the windows installation files are located, (Change XP Setup Source Path, currently)

A window will appear and select the drive containing the Windows XP setup CD you. Click [OK]. For example in F, click in there, ok

Then select the menu number 3) Change USB-Drive Target Letter, currently
Type the drive letter that contains your USB Flash Disk. For example, on drive H:

Once completed select the menu number 4 Make New TempImage with XP LocalSource and Copy to USB-Drive

Press Y to start the formatting

Press any keyboard key to continue

Press yes to copy temporary files to usb

Yes again and press

Press Yes again

after the press any key to end the process
Once completed in Flasdisk can use to make re-install

Before you begin the installation make sure that the booting sequence is set up so that you bootnya's first USB Flash Disk.
aja to enter BIOS menu. How, turn on the computer / laptop you press delete or F2 on the keyboard

After that go to the settings in the Bios booting
Change first boot (the first podići) USB Hard Drive / Flash Drive Cd I use the first boot is CD-ROM (see here can be reset using the install CD)

Click Save and Exit, the computer will restart.

If all goes smoothly, at the time the computer will turn back to boot from a USB Flash Drive and you will show the options menu

Select the [TXT Mode Setup Windows XP, Never Unplug USB Drive Until After logon].
IMPORTANT: Do not pull out the USB Flash Drive to a Windows XP installation is completed entirely.

Windows XP setup will start. Do as if you are using a CD

After the setup finished copying files to your hard drive, setup will make the computer restart.

IMPORTANT: Select the [GUI Mode Setup Windows XP, Continue Setup + Start XP].
Windows Setup will continue to use the display setup GUI (Graphical User Interface) while copying from a USB Flash Drive.

Continue installation as usual.

If you are finished you can pull out the USB Flash Drive. USB / Flasdisk you can use to perform repair your Windows XP when there are problems or interference on your windows XP.

How to Restore Grub

At This Time I want to Share my experience, that, how was to restore if our Grub at computer is missing.

This is almost happened if we installed 2 OS in Our computer, Like windows and Linux (dual boot).

For example, if anytime our windows is broken/error, and we must to Formatting it, and if we finished installed windows again, and we start the computer, i'm sure, our grub is lost..

Well, To put it back quite simple actually,

this the way:

1. Boot your computer with a CD using linux (ubuntu) or Flashdisk.
2. Select the option to try to use Linux without installing (Live CD)
3. Entrance to the terminal
4. Type sudo grub
5. Type find / boot/grub/stage1
6. root (hd0 see it, if I have hd0, 5)
7. Type setup (hd0, 5) (depending on your property)
8. Type quit
9. Restart, remove the CD, or you pull the flash.

Easy huh?

Install the Alexa Page Rank Blog

Alexa Rank is a tool that can be used to measure the traffic from our blog. How to measure this is to show that the number decreased, so as perangkingan system in general. Where if the good / trafficnya many, then the number will decline. 

Alexa will know the number of visits to a website or blog based on information from the computer's internet browser installed alexa toolbar. Therefore, for the blog or website owner who want to get accurate data about the number of visitors is to install the alexa widget on the blog or webnya. In short, install the alexa widget on the blog, then the 

Those interested in installing alexa rank widget is how, is as follows. : 
Log in to the site 


2. Click the site for Owners, Then Select Side Widgets true 

3. Type the URL of your blog, and then click Build Widgets, then the image will appear as follows.: 


4. Select a widget that will be used from the 3 options available, namely: 

Button (120 x 95) 
Vertical Banner (120 x 240) 
Banner (468 x 60) 


5. Copy / paste the html code of the selected widgets into your blog 

6. How to install Alexa Rank blog: 
Login to "" 
Go to the "Layout or Lay Out" 
Select the "Add Gadget" 
Select the "HTML / JavaScript" 

Enter the script from before, and then click "Save" 


7. Done ...

Preventing Virus Autorun.Inf

Lately a lot of input-output devices that bring the virus into my computer. terutama virus yang memanfaatkan autorun.inf. primarily utilize the autorun.inf virus. ini seringkali membuat repot, jadi saya langsung mencaqri solusi untuk mencegah virus tersebut di internet. often make this difficult, so I immediately mencaqri solutions to prevent the virus on the internet. ini adalah cara untuk merncegah virus tersebut merusak data kita. This is a way to merncegah virus damage to our data.

Pada dasarnya, sistem autorun yang dijalankan secara otomatis oleh komputer ketika kita memasukkan media USB Disk (Flash Disk atau Hard Disk) atau CD-ROM harus dimatikan. Basically, the system autorun run automatically by the computer when we enter the media USB Disk (Flash Disk or Hard Disk) or CD-ROM must be disabled. Melalui program autorun inilah virus autorun.inf akan menyerang komputer kita. Through this program autorun autorun.inf virus akan attack our computers.

1a. 1a. Mematikan sistem autorun dapat dilakukan dengan dua cara. Turning off the autorun system can be done in two ways. Cara pertama adalah menjalankan program berikut: Start | Run dan ketikkan gpedit.msc. The first way is to run the following program: Start | Run and type gpedit.msc. Akan muncul jendela Microsoft Management Console (MMC) yaitu piranti administratif untuk mengatur jaringan, komputer, layanan, dan komponen lain: Window will appear Microsoft Management Console (MMC) that is administrative tools to manage a network, computers, services, and other components:

Kita cari “Turn off Autoplay” yang ada di bagian Computer Configuration | Administrative Templates | System. We find "Turn off Autoplay" which in the Computer Configuration | Administrative Templates | System. Lakukan seting dengan cara mengklik kanan dan memilih Properties. Do with the settings right clicking and selecting Properties. Kita pilih Enabled dengan pilihan Turn off Autoplay untuk All drives. We select the Enabled option Turn off Autoplay for All drives.

Dengan demikian, kita telah mematikan fitur autoplay untuk media apa pun (khususnya USB Disk dan CD-ROM) yang kita masukkan ke dalam drive komputer. Thus, we have turned off the autoplay feature for any media (especially the USB disk and CD-ROM) that we enter into the computer drive. Sebagai tambahan informasi, seting ini terdapat juga di bagian User Configuration | Administrative Templates | System. For additional information, there are also settings in the User Configuration | Administrative Templates | System. Namun jika terjadi konflik, seting di bagian Computer Configuration akan memiliki presendensi yang lebih tinggi. However, if the conflict happens, the setting in Computer Configuration akan have presendensi higher. Restart Komputer. Restart Computer.

1b. 1b. Cara kedua mematikan fitur autorun adalah menseting sistem registry melalui jendela Registry Editor. How to turn off the autorun feature is menseting through the system registry Registry Editor window. Mulai dari Start | Run dan ketikkan regedit. Start from the Start | Run and type regedit. Akan muncul jendela berikut: The following window will appear:

Arahkan mouse ke HKEY_CURRENT_USER | Software | Microsoft | Windows | CurrentVersion | Policies | Explorer. Mouse over to HKEY_CURRENT_USER | Software | Microsoft | Windows | CurrentVersion | Policies | Explorer. Jika langkah 1a telah dilakukan, maka akan terdapat seting registry: NoDriveTypeAutoRun bertipe REG_DWORD dengan nilai hexadesimal FF atau desimal 255. If step 1a has been performed, then the registry settings there akan: NoDriveTypeAutoRun bertipe REG_DWORD with the value hexadesimal FF or decimal 255.

Jika belum, lakukan langkah 1b. If not, do step 1b. Klik kanan mouse untuk menemukan menu New dan pilih menu DWORD value. Click the right mouse menu to find the menu and select New DWORD value. Di kolom nama, ketikkan “NoDriveTypeAutoRun”. In the column name, type "NoDriveTypeAutoRun". Klik kanan pada kolom tersebut dan pilih menu Modify. Right-click on the column and select Modify menu. Akan muncul jendela berikut: The following window will appear:

Isilah Value data dengan nilai FF untuk Base Hexadecimal atau 255 untuk Base Decimal. Fill in the Value data to the value FF hexadecimal or 255 Base to Decimal Base. Lakukan seting yang sama di bagian HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | Software | Microsoft | Windows | CurrentVersion | Policies | Explorer. Make the same settings in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | Software | Microsoft | Windows | CurrentVersion | Policies | Explorer. Restart komputer. Restart the computer.

2. 2. Menggunakan software Flash Disinfector Using the software Flash Disinfector

Software ini berisi program yang berfungsi untuk menghapus file autorun.inf yang ada di media dengan suatu folder bernama autorun.inf yang dibangkitkan sekaligus diproteksi oleh oleh program tersebut. This software program contains a function to delete the autorun.inf file on the media to a folder called autorun.inf that at once protected by raised by the program. Karena saya menggunakan Avira Antivir, program ini dideteksi sebagai virus. Because I use Avira Antivir, this program is detected as a virus. Tidak masalah, karena yakin ini bukan virus maka cek pada Ignore sehingga program Flash Disinfector akan dijalankan. No problem, because it sure is not a virus check on the program so that Ignore akan run Flash Disinfector.

Begitu program dijalankan, maka akan tampil jendela sebagai berikut. Once the program is run, it will appear the following window. Setelah kita klik OK, sesaat monitor akan blank dan selanjutnya proses perlindungan terhadap serangan autorun.inf telah selesai. Once we click OK, as soon akan blank monitor the process and further protection against autorun.inf is finished.

avoid overheat of laptop

Incidence of laptop explode because Overheat (excessive heat) has often occurred. Of course, this makes the laptop users who participated in other ketar-ketir.

Alert is important, but not until we become paranoid. For that, see 8 tips to avoid the occurrence of Overheat on laptop, such as

1. Clean the ventilation system on the laptop with the compressor.

2. Always place the laptop on a hard surface. Avoid putting a laptop on a blanket, wool cloth or other soft surface that can inhibit the exchange of air and wind.

3. Turn off the laptop before to enter in the box / bag. If you do not want off, set the laptop in hibernate. This is important to prevent the occurrence of the increase in heat. Never put a laptop that is currently being operated in a narrow, this can increase the heat.

4. Install monitoring software, such as SpeedFan, which allows you to supervise and monitor the temperature of the processor, hard drive and other components.

5. Set the power settings to prevent excess heat in components such as screen and hard drive. Lower power as soon as possible if it is not necessary.

6. You can also use a laptop cooling can prevent excessive heat.

7. If your laptop has the potential Overheat and still in the warranty period, please do not hesitate to report your complaint.

8. If you plan to buy a new laptop, do not be hasty! Telitilah carefully first. Find information on the laptop model and brand that Overheat often, so you will not regret in the future.

simple plan "i do anything" chord and lyric

Intro :

c g f f g c
Another day is going by iam thinking about you all the time,

g f f g c
Your out their and iam here waiting

g f f g c
and i wrote this letter in my head so many things were left unsaid
c g f f g c
Now your gone and i cant think straight

Pre chorus,

c g f
This could be the one last chance too make you understand (yeah)


c g f c g
Id do anything just too hold you in my arms
c g f c g
Try my best too laugh but somehow i cant put you in the past
c g f c g
Id do anything just to fall asleep with you,
c g f g f (stop) f,g,c
Will you remeber me cause i know i wont forget you

(same as first)

Together we,broke all th rules,
Dreaming of droping,out of school
and leave this place,and never come back
so now, maybe after all these years
if you missed me have no fear,
Ill be here ILL be waiting….

Pre chorus



c g f g
I close my eyes and all i see is you
c g f g f
I close my eyes i try too sleep i cant forget you
c g f g
Naa na, Na na na, and id do anything for you
c g f
Naa naa, Na na na,

cara mengganti template Blog

kepikiran juga untuk mengubah tempalte blogger?

saya juga sampai stress mencari template yang sesuai di blog saya.

karena, sudah dapat template yang bagus, trus, ketika mau diganti yang muncul malah galat (code :98****** apaan lah gitu) berkali-kali seperti itu, sampai saya hampir putus asa untuk menggantinya (saya mengganti menjadi 3 kolom).

trus, ketika percobaan yang ke 10000 akhirnya ketemu juga template yang berhasil.

caranya mengganti, ya standart aja,

1. download tempate yang diingnkan(musti sabar, karena ga semua cocok dengan blog kita) biasanya .xml

2. masuk ke menu layout (pada dashboard)
3. klik edit HTML (kalau ingin back up) klik download full template
4. jangan lupa juga untuk download setiap isi dari widgetnya, karena pasti akan hilang (back up nya bisa disimpan memakai notepad)
5. ketika semua sudah pasti di back up, klik tombol browse file, lalu cari tempat file *.xml disimpan
6. klik upload, setelah itu akan ada konfirmasi bahwa semua widget akan dihapus, tekan confirm.
7. sebenarnya kalau tempalate yang diinginkan tidak berupa *.xml, tetapi hanya berupa kode saja, maka anda tinggal mencopy semua code tersebut dan kemudian paste pada kolom code pada menu edit html, setelah sebelumnya anda mengklik expand widget.
8. jika langkah 5,6 atau 7 berhasil, maka template anda sudah dapat ditampilkan, dan jika tidak, coba cari saran-saran atau mengganti dengan template yang lainnya.

selamat mencoba


apakah itu negara Federal?

biarpun sering kita sepelekan, ternyata banyak lho diantara kita yang masih belum paham,

Negara federal berangkat dari satu asumsi dasar bahwa ia dibentuk oleh sejumlah negara atau wilayah yang independen, yang sejak awal memiliki kedaulatan atau semacam kedaulatan pada dirinya masing-masing. Negara-negara atau wilayah-wilayah itu yang kemudian bersepakat membentuk sebuah federal. Negara dan wilayah pendiri federal itu kemudian berganti status menjadi negara bagian atau wilayah administrasi dengan nama tertentu dalam lingkungan federal.

Dengan kata lain, negara atau wilayah yang menjadi anggota federasi itulah yang pada dasarnya memiliki semua kekuasaan yang kemudian diserahkan sebagian kepada pemerintahan federal. Biasanya, pemerintahan federal diberikan kekuasaan penuh dibidang moneter, pertahanan, peradilan dan hubungan luar negeri. Kekuasaan lainnya cenderung tetap dipertahankan oleh negara bagian atau wilayah adminstrasi. Kekuasaan negara bagian biasanya sangat menonjol dalam urusan domestik, seperti pendidikan, kesehatan, kesejahteraan sosial dan keamanan masyarakat (kepolisian). Ringkasnya, pembentukan suatu negara federasi melalui dua tahap, yaitu tahap pengakuan atas keberadaan negara dan wilayah independen dan tahap kedua adalah kesepakatan mereka membentuk negera federal ini bisa dilihat dalam sistem federalisme di Amerika Serikat dan Malaysia.

Aku Percaya (Dalam bahasa Inggris)

I BELIEVE in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord.
He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended to the dead.
On the third day He rose again.
He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty.
From thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.

Display Device

What is?

Display output device is a device to visually present information, related to the touch, saved or sent in various forms.

An output of the equipment can menyampaiakan information visually. The information is usually displayed with a soft copy.

With the very rapid development, there are currently three types of technology monitor. The three classes of technologies are CRT (Cathode Ray Tube), Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and plasma gas.

Directly touching the screen with a finger.
-Hands cover the screen;
-Hands away from the keyboard;
-The appointment is not precise;
-Screen can be dirty.


In the CRT monitor, the screen is used as a cathode ray tube. This technology automatically display on the monitor with the electrons to emit rays of a point on the screen. Rays will be strengthened to show the bright side and dark side to diperlemah.
CRT technology is the cheapest technology, compared with the other two technologies. However the resulting resolution is quite good for various purposes. The only electricity required is quite large and has a radiation elektromagnetik strong enough.
For example, television and computer monitors


LCD monitor is no longer using electron tubes, but use a similar liquid crystal that can be fluorescent. This technology produces a monitor that is known by the name of Flat Panel Display with the screen flat-shaped, and the ability of a higher resolution than the CRT. Because of the flat, the flat type of monitor by using the energy of small and widely used in portable computers.

Plasma Gas

Monitor this type of technology combines with a CRT monitor. With the resulting technology, able to create a screen-like LCD with flimsiness and perspectives that can selebar CRT.
Plasma gas also use phosphorus as well as on CRT technology, but the screen on the plasma gas can without the assistance perpendar light behind the screen. It will create energy that is not absorbed as much as CRT monitor. Contrast color produced is better than LCD.
For example, plasma television

10 cuaca teraneh yang pernah ada

Banyak sekali fenomena alam yang dikaitkan dengan hal-hal mistis ataupun legenda,
entah karena pengaruh lingkungan ataupun karena pengaruh dari pola pikir seseorang.
padahal fenomena alam yang dimaksud belum tentu memiliki makna seagaiman digembar-gemborkan oleh orang-orang.

berikut adalah beberapa fenomena tersebut:

1. Sea Monster or Spinning Water?

monster Loch Ness mungkin hanya pusaran air yang terlalu aktif. Angin puyuh kecil,
biasanya disebut water devil, bisa terbentuk diatas air hangat, membawa air ke atas dan membentuk semacam saluran di atas permukaan air. Water devil ini bisa berputar-putar tak beraturan, kadang mengeluarkan suara desis dan blekutuk blekutuk (ada yang ngerti blekutuk-blekutuk? Hehehe. Suara semacam buble gitu lah). Suara berisiknya ini ditambah bentuk seperti leher yang panjang bisa memberi kesan orang yang melihat bahwa ada monster laut mulai muncul mau sarapan. Nyammmmmmm…..

2. ice fall/bomb

Banyak orang yang pernah merasakan berada di tengah badai besar tahu mengenai bongkah atau potongan es , biasanya besarnya tidak lebih dari bola softball, yang berjatuhan dari awan badai. Tapi jarang yang menjumpai ukuran lebih besar dari bola softball (rekor seberat 80 pon) jatuh dari langit, membuat orang terkejut lalu hancur berkeping-keping waktu sampai ke tanah. Yang lebih misterius bongkah raksasa kadang jatuh padahal tidak ada awan di langit. Beberapa kejadian mungkin tercatat jatuh dari pesawat, tapi lebih banyak yang tidak diketahui apa penyebabnya.

3. St.elmo/s fires

Selama terjadai badai petir, banyak orang melaporkan melihat bola-bola api, menari di atas kapal, galah panjang, tanduk sapi. Bola kecil, dan berkilauan ini disebut api St. Elmo. Lecutan listrik statis yang terjadi sepanjang badai petir dan menyambar obyek yang tinggi. Ini bisa terjadi sebelum petir menyambar, jadi mending menyingkir deh…

4. Sprites, Jets and Elves, Oh My!
Selama bertahun-tahun, para pilot telah melaporkan melihat kilatan cahaya berwarna aneh dari puncak awan badai, biasanya banyak yang sangsi, tapi sekarang ilmuwan sudah menemukan bukti bahwa tipe petir aneh ini benar-benar ada. Peri merah (red sprites) adalah kilatan cahaya merah yang naik setinggi 50 mil diatas bumi, biasanya muncul berbarengan 2 atau lebih. Sepupu mereka blu jet, adalah sinar kebiru2an berbentuk kerucut yang letaknya di atmosfir lebih rendah dari peri merah. Terjadi pada saat berbarengan dengan peri merah adalah elves, berbentuk kue dadar yang menyala merah terbentuk dari panasnya petir. Ilmuwan juga masih nyari sih apa penyebabnya…

5.Whirlwinds of Fire

Meski yang ini tidak seganas tornado, dust evil bisa keliatan serem. Angin beliung ini, adalah versi kecil dari tornado yang berasal dari panas yang ekstrim di tanah, dan menyebabkan udara diatasnya naik dan angin yang menyebabkan udara yang naik berputar. Angin puting beliung ini akan membawa debu2 di tanah, makanya dinamai dust evil. Sodaranya yang lebih ngeri adalah fire evil, yang terbentuk dari panas yang ekstrim dan membentuk putaran api yang menyala.

6.Once in a Blue Moon
Pikirkan istilahnya, Bulan biru…Hmmm..biasanya sih merujuk pada kejadian dua setengah tahunan waktu purnama terjadi dua kali sebulan, jarang banget terjadi bulan keliatan biru. Kebakaran hutan dan letusan gunung bisa menyemburkan abu dan jelaga ke atmosfir dimana ini akan bercampur dengan tetesan air. Campuran ini bisa terbawa angin ribuan mil berkeliling dunia dan kadang-kadang membiaskan cahaya bulan dan membuatnya tampak kebiru2an. Kok kayaknya serem-serem romantis yah…

7. Seeing triple
Meski cuaca lagi cerah, mataharinya terang banget, langit bisa memberi kejutan, setidaknya untuk mata lah. Jika matahari dekat banget dengan horizon dan ada awan cirrus di langit, kadang matahari bisa muncul terpantul di kedua sisinya juga, sehingga memberi kesan tiga matahari muncul berbarengan di langit. Kawai………….. Matahari ‘hantu’ ini sebenarnya warna cerah dari titik cahaya yang diciptakan oleh matahari yang dibelokkan oleh kristal di awan yang tinggi. Fenomena pandangan mata yang umum tapi nggak selalu muncul. (Hati2 yah…melihat matahari dengan mata telanjang bisa menyebabkan kebutaan loh…apalagi tiga…wihhh)

8. The sky is bleeding
Darah menetes dari langit kedengarannya kok kayak film horor Hollywood yah? Tapi hujan berwarna merah tua dilaporkan sejak jaman ancient Roman. Meski hujan ini membuat ngeri orang-orang, hujan ini sebenarnya bukan darah. Ini disebabkan oleh debu atau pasir yang tertiup ke atmosfir dan terbawa oleh angin dengan jarak yang sangat jauh akhirnya bercampur dengan awan hujan dan memberi warna pada hujan itu sendiri. Di Eropa hujan merah ini biasanya diwarnai oleh debu yang terbawa menyebrangi benua berasal dari badai pasir Sahara. Hujan berwarna yang lain bisa terjadi karena obyek2 lain (pollen bisa membuat hujan kuning, debu dari tambang batu bara bisa membuat hujan hitam, bahkan beberapa debu bisa membuat hujan susu putih, yummyyy……)

9.Greats balls is fire

Selama berabad-abad, orang-orang melaporkan keanehan listrik menyerang rumah mereka, biasanya selama badai petir. Bola api, ukurannya macem2 bisa sebesar bola golf sampe bola sepak, kadang melayang selama badai , nggak diragukan lagi bakal mengejutkan orang yang mengalami. Disebut ball lightning, nggak berbau, nggak memancarkan panas, dan sedikit berisik. Ini biasanya menghilang dengan suara ‘pop’ kalau berbenturan dengan barang elektronik kayak TV misal, tapi kadang bisa meledak hebat dan menyebabkan kebakaran. Bukan saja membuat orang2 heran, ilmuwan pun juga, soalnya nggak ada penjelasan ilmiah gimana ini terjadi. Apa di negara barat sana ada yang bisa santet yah?

10. Raining fish and frogs
Dari California ke England ke India, orang-orang secara berkala melaporkan adanya hujan aneh. Hujan binatang-binatang kecil semacem ikan, kodok, ular kadang-kadang terjadi tanpa diduga, bahkan jauh dari area perairan loh. Tornado di atas air bisa berputar dan membawa serta air, dan apapun yang ada didalamnya, ke atas awan. Angin yang kuat bisa membawa muatan ini ke jarak yang jauh sebelum membuangnya diatas orang-orang yang nggak menduga.


10 tradisi yang aneh dan mengerikan

Banyak tradisi yang "hidup" dan berkembang di dunia ini. Banyak pula orang yang melupakan maupun berusaha untuk melestarikan tradisi budaya.

Mengapa Budaya itu begitu penting?

menurut saya, pendapat orang tentang makna dari budaya itu sangat beragam dan relatif.
tetai saya pribadi berpendapat bahwa budaya merupakan hal yang sangat penting dan merupakan "harta" warisan dari leluhur kita yang harus dijaga.

begitu banyak budaya yang ada, selain budaya yang "normal" bagi kebanyakan orang, ternyata ada juga budaya yang agak aneh bagi kebanyakan orang seperti berikut ini:

1. Foot Binding

Foot Binding atau pengikatan kaki adalah tradisi menghentikan pertumbuhan kaki perempuan zaman dahulu yang terjadi di China. Tradisi ini telah menghadirkan penderitaan besar bagi para perempuan China pada masa itu. Pengikatan kaki biasanya dimulai sejak anak berumur antara empat sampai tujuh tahun. Masyarakat miskin biasanya terlambat memulai pengikatan kaki karena mereka membutuhkan bantuan anak perempuan mereka dalam mengurus sawah dan perkebunan.

Pengikatan kaki dimulai pada masa akhir dinasti Tang (618-907) dan mulai menyebar pada golongan kelas atas sampai pada zaman dinasti Song (960-1297), pada zaman dinasti Ming (1368-1644) dan dinasti Qing (1644-1911), budaya mengikat kaki menyebar luas dalam mayoritas masyarakat China sampai akhirnya dilarang pada Revolusi Sun Yat Sen tahun 1911. Kelompok yang menghindari adat ini hanyalah bangsa Manchu dan kelompok migran Hakka yang merupakan kelompok paling miskin dalam kasta sosial China. Kebiasaan mengikat kaki ini berlangsung selama sekitar seribu tahun dan telah menyebabkan sekitar satu milyar wanita China mengalami pengikatan kaki.

Pengikatan kaki dilakukan dengan cara membalut kaki dengan ketat menggunakan kain sepanjang sepuluh kaki dengan lebar dua inchi, melipat empat jari kaki ke bagian bawah kaki dan menarik ibu jari kaki medekati tumit. Hal ini membuat kaki menjadi lebih pendek. Pembalut kaki semakin diketatkan dari hari ke hari dan kaki dipaksa memakai sepatu yang semakin kecil. Kaki harus dicuci dan dipotong kukunya karena kalau tidak akan membuat kuku-kuku kaki di kaki yang diikat menusuk ke dalam dan menimbulkan infeksi.

Jika balutan terlalu ketat maka dapat timbul buku-buku di kaki yang harus dipotong dengan pisau. Kemudian kaki juga harus dipijat dan dikompres dingin dan panas untuk sedikit mengurangi rasa sakit. Pengikatan kaki membuat siklus darah tidak lancar sehingga dapat membuat daging kaki menjadi busuk dan kaki dapat mengeluarkan nanah. Semakin kecil kaki seorang gadis maka akan semakin cantik ia dipandang. Panjang kaki seorang gadis hanya berkisar 10-15 sentimeter saja.

2. Self Mummification

Sokushinbutsu adalah rahib Buddha atau imam yang didakwa menyebabkan kematian dengan cara menjadikan mereka jadi mumi. Praktek ini dilaporkan terjadi hampir secara eksklusif di utara Jepang sekitar Prefektur Yamagata.terdapat Antara 16 samapai 24 mummi yang telah ditemukan.

Tiga tahun para imam hanya makan diet khusus yang terdiri dari kacang-kacangan dan biji-bijian, Mereka kemudian hanya makan kulit dan akar dalam waktu tiga tahun dan mulai minum teh racun yang dibuat dari getah pohon yang Urushi,yang biasanya digunakan untuk laka mangkuk. Ini menyebabkan muntah dan cepat hilangnya cairan tubuh, dan yang terpenting, mematikan anggota tubuh yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada tubuh yang bisa menimbulkan kematian.

Akhirnya,pada mummifying biarawan akan mengunci dirinya dalam kubur batu yang ukurannya hampir tidak lebih besar dari tubuhnya, di mana dia tidak akan bergerak dari posisi nya.penghubung ke dunia luar adalah tabung udara. Setiap hari ia mengingatkan pada agar orang-orang di luar bahwa ia masih hidup.

3. Eunuchs

Eunuchs disebut juga kasim,seorang laki-laki yang kehilangan kesuburannya karena kemaluannya telah dibuang dengan sengaja atau karena sebab-sebab lain.Catatan-catatan paling awal tentang pengebirian dengan sengaja untuk menghasilkan orang kasim berasal dari kota Lagash di Sumeria pada abad ke-21 SM. Sejak itu, selama beribu-ribu tahun orang kasim bekerja di berbagai kebudayaan seperti pelayan istana atau pelayan rumah tangga, penyanyi laki-laki dengan suara tinggi, petugas-petugas keagamaan khusus, pejabat pemerintah, komandan militer, dan pengawal kaum perempuan ataupun pelayan di

Orang kasim pertama disebutkan di Kekaisaran Asyur (l.k. 850 hingga 622 SM). Mereka pun biasa tampil di istana kaisar-kaisar Akhemenid dari Persia atau firaun dari Mesir (hingga dinasti Lagid yang dikenal sebagai Ptolemeus, yang berakhir dengan Cleopatra).Di Tiongkok kuno, pengebirian adalah salah satu bentuk hukuman tradisional (hingga Dinasti Sui) dan sarana untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan di kalangan istana Kaisar. Pada akhir Dinasti Ming ada 70.000 orang kasim di Istana kaisar. Jabatan seperti itu demikian berharga—orang-orang kasim tertentu berhasil mendapatkan kekuasaan yang demikian besar sehingga melampaui kekuasaan perdana menteris—sehingga pengebirian diri sendiri harus dilarang.

Jumlah orang kasim yang menjadi pegawai Istana Kaisar akhirnya menurun hingga 470 orang pada 1912, ketika mereka tidak lagi dipekerjakan. Orang-orang kasim diberikan jabatan-jabatan pegawai negeri yang demikian tinggi dengan alasan bahwa karena mereka tidak dapat mempunyai anak, mereka tidak akan tergoda untuk merebut kekuasaan dan memulai sebuah dinasti. Pada saat yang sama, sebuah sistem serupa juga ada di Vietnam.

4. Sati

Tradisi sati atau bakar diri hidupp-hidup,dianggap sebagai lambang kesalehan,sekaligus menunjukkan kepemilikan laki-laki atas perempuan,biasanya dilakukan oleh perempuan yang berkasta tinggi dan dipercaya hanya perempuan pilihan yang dapat melakukannya.tradisi sati dipandang sebagai alternatif yang lebih baik ketika seorang istri ditinggal mati oleh suami,daripada mereka mengalami penyiksaan dari saudara-saudara ipar,yang akan menyalahkan perempuan sebagai penyebab mati suami.

sati menjadi tradisi tidak hanya berlaku bagi istri,tetapi juga bagi istri simpanan,saudara ipar dan bahkan ibu,untuk mengorbankan dirinya diapi pembakaran jenasah laki-laki yang memiliki mereka.pelaku sati diagungkan sebagai pahlawan,sesuai dengan ajaran hindu.

5. Dueling

tradisi duel dipraktikkan pada abad 15-20 oleh masyarakat Barat, yang merupakan tanding antara dua orang, kematian dicocokkan dengan senjata, sesuai dengan aturan eksplisit atau implisit yang telah disepakati, sebagai lambang kehormatan, biasanya diiringi oleh perwakilan yang dipercaya.

dueling biasanya terjadi karena keinginan satu pihak (yang penantang)karena dianggap telah melakukan penghinaan terhadap kehormatannya. Tujuan dari dueling tidak laain adalah untuk kepuasan semata, untuk memulihkan status kehormatan mereka bersedia mempertaruhkan nyawa.dueling biasanya dilakukan bisa dengan pedang ataupun pistol.

6. Seppuku

seppuku disebut juga Harakiri,Salah satu tradisi yang menjadi kebanggan masyarakat Jepang, yang berasal dari kata hara yang berarti perut dan kiru yang berarti memotong. Harakiri juga dikenal dengan istilah seppuku. Kebiasaan harakiri ini dilakukan oleh prajurit berkelas dari kalangan samurai sebagai bukti kesetiaan. Bunuh diri yang dilakukan para Samurai ini sangat menyiksa, karena si pelaku harus menunggu kematian karena kehabisan darah setelah merobek dan mengeluarkan isi perutnya.

Ada ritual khusus yang harus dilakukan oleh Samurai jika ingin melakukan harakiri. Ia harus mandi, menggunakan jubah putih, dan makan makanan favorit. Pelaku harakiri ditemani seorang pelayan (kaishakunin), yang ia pilih sendiri. Kaishakunin ini bertugas membuka kimononya dan mengambilkan pisau yang akan digunakan. Jika pelaku harakiri menjerit atau menangis kesakitan saat ia menusuk dan mengeluarkan isi perutnya, hal tersebut dianggap sangat memalukan bagi seorang Samurai. Karena itu Kaishaku bertugas mengurangi penderitaan itu, mempercepat kematian dengan memenggal kepala si pelaku.

7. Human Sacrifice

Human Sacrifice adalah pengorbanan manusia,tindakan membunuh manusia untuk tujuan menawarkan persembahan kepada dewa atau lainnya. Dilakukan oleh banyak kebudayaan kuno. persembahan ini bervariasi,beberapa seperti Mayans dan Aztecs yang terkenal jahat mereka untuk upacara persembahan, sedangkan yang lainnya sudah tampak sebagai praktek primitif. Korban persembahan dibunuh dengan cara yang berbeda-beda,ada yang dibakar,dipenggal,atau dikubur hidup-hidup.dapar berupa anak kecil,atau gadis-gadis perawan.

ini adalah sejarah umum yang pernah ada didunia, Kebanyakan agama mengutuk praktek-ini dan undang-undang menganggapnya sebagai tindak pidana. Namun sampai hari ini,kadang masih ada yang melakukan tradisi tersebut terutama didaerah-daerah terpencil dimana kepercayaan tradisional masih berlanjut.

8. Concubinage

Concubinage disebut juga pergundikan. Foto di bawah menunjukkan sekelompok selir berdiri di belakang pelindung mereka(biasanya kasim).

9. Geisha

Geisha berasal dari kata "Gei" yang berarti seni atau pertunjukan dalam bahasa Jepang dan "Sha" berarti orang, jadi Geisha (person of the arts) merupakan seorang seniman tradisional penghibur di Jepang. Di Kyoto sendiri, kata “Geiko” digunakan untuk gambaran para seniman seperti itu. Kehadiran geisha di abad 18 dan 19 merupakan hal yang umum dan hingga kini merekapun masih tetap ada walaupun jumlah mereka sdh semakin berkurang.

Geisha dilatih secara tradisional sejak masa kecil mereka. Rumah geisha sering membeli gadis-gadis kecil dari keluarga yang miskin dan mengambil tanggung jawab untuk membesarkan dan melatih mereka. Selama masa kanak-kanak, geisha yang dilatih pertama-tama bekerja sebagai pembantu, kemudian sebagai asisten senior rumah geisha, selain sebagai latihan ini juga dipakai untuk membantu kontribusi biaya pemeliharaan dan pendidikan mereka. Sistim tradisi latihan yang panjang ini masih tetap ada di Jepang, dimana seorang mahasiswa yang tinggal di rumah guru seninya, mulai melakukan pekerjaan rumah yang umum dan mengamati serta membantu gurunya hingga akhirnya berpindah untuk menjadi tuan bagi dirinya sendiri. Latihan ini memakan waktu beberapa tahun.

10. Tibetan Sky Burial

Tibet ialah sebuah kawasan penara di Asia Tengah dan petempatan asli bagi orang Tibet. Dengan ketinggian purata sebanyak 4,900 meter (16,000 kaki), Tibet merupakan rantau yang tertinggi di Bumi dan sering bergelar “Bumbung Dunia.”

Bagi masyarakat tibet yang beragama buddha ini, tanah tempat tinggal mereka terletak di atas gunung di mana tiada tanah lembut. Hampir kesemuanya diliputi batu atau salji/air batu.Oleh kerana tiada tanah perkuburan disebabkan keadaan geografi , mereka memberi mayat untuk dimakan oleh burung.

Disamping itu , dengan cara begitu dipercayai roh si mati akan kekal di gunung bersama burung berkenaan.Tindakan lelaki di dalam gambar di bawah memotong serta menghancurkan mayat adalah untuk memudahkan burung tersebut mempercepatkan proses ini.Mereka juga tidak mahu burung tersebut membawa anggota badan yang masih separa sempurna(seperti kepala, tangan dll) ke tempat lain.

dikutip dari

Kalau Task Manager di-disable

jika anda adalah salah seorang pengguna sistem operasi Windows,
dan suatu saat komputer anda Hang. tentunya ada cara favorit yang biasa
dilakukan oleh para pengguna windows, yaitu menekan kombinasi

tujuannya ya supaya Task Manager muncul dan kita tinggal menekan tombol
"End Now". Tapi ketika kita menekan kombinasi ctrl+alt+del, lho kok task managernya
ga muncul?, trus kalo coba klik kanan pada taskbar juga, task managernya didisable.

Nah lho, Kalo udah gini kan repot.........................

tenang semua ada solusinya,. berdasarkan pengalaman saya, hal ini mungkin

disebabkan oleh varian virus tertentu. Dimana virus ini mempunyai misi untuk
mengacak registri windows dan juga memblock task manager.

lalu, bagaimana cara mengatasinya??

berikut saya berikan sintaks untuk mengembalikan task manager.
cukup dengan meng-copy sintaks ini kedalam notepad, lalu simpan dengan extensi .inf
Setelah itu, pada file itu klik kanan, lalu klik install.
setelah itu restart komputer anda.....

Biasanya sih task manager udah muncul kembali.....

selamat mencoba..........

berikut sintaksnya:



HKLM, Software\CLASSES\exefile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\batfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\comfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\exefile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\piffile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\regfile\shell\open\command,,,"regedit.exe "%1""
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\scrfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon, Shell,0, "Explorer.exe"
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor,AutoRun ,0,

HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, Audio
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, Logon
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, ccApp
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system, DisableTaskMgr
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system, NoDispScrSavPage
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer, NoTrayItemsDisplay
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer, NoPropertiesMyComputer
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer, NoStartMenuMorePrograms
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\system, DisableRegistryTools
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\system, DisableTaskMgr
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\system, NoDispScrSavPage
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\system, DisableRegedit
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\system, NoDevMgrPage
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\system, NoDispCPL
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoFind
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoFolderOption
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoViewContextMenu
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoTrayContextMenu
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoClose
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoDesktop
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoDrives
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoRecentDocsMenu
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoFind
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoSMHelp
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoRun
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoUserNameInStartMenu
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoChangeStartMenu
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoPropertiesMyComputer
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoSetFolders
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoFolderOptions
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoSetTaskbar
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoControlPanel
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoThemesTab
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoLogOff
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoStartMenuMorePrograms
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main, Window Title
HKCU, Control Panel\Mouse, SwapMouseButtons

Cara memasang Penerjemah pada Blog

pada postingan kali ini, saya akan membahas mengenai cara memasang translator pada blog kita.
Fungsinya, tentu saja untuk menerjemahkan isi dari blog kita, walaupun hasilnya tidak terlatu tepat. Hal ini terutama adalah karena penggunaan kata-kata seperti "ngeblog", "nyeting", "ga" dan juga karena pengaruh dari singkatan-singkatan yang ada.

tetapi walaupun begitu, translator ini setidaknya dapat memberikan terjemahan "kasar", yang lumayan dapat kita mengerti.

Ok, berikut adalah cara-cara memasang translator pada blog kita.

1. seperti biasa, buka menu Layout,
2. kemudian Page Element,
3. Pada page element, klik Add gadget
4. paste-kan kode berikut ini:


MOdulator DEModulator

Modulator is part of the signal information into the carrier signal (Carrier) and is ready to be sent .

Demodulator is a part that separates the information signal (which contains the data or message) of the carrier signal (carrier) so that the received information can be well received


network components used to expand the network or to create a network segment
Bridge can also be used to combine two different network media
media expander to increase the reach of a LAN network and connecting it with the others on the network a different location

Bridge can connect networks that use different methods of transmission
Bridge can be used to mengkoneksikan network using a different type of cable or a different topology also
Bridge can find out the address of each computer in each of the network.

bridging model

A wireless LAN <----------> Bridge <-----------> B

types of bridge
Local Bridge: a bridge that can connect the segments the local network
Remote Bridge: can be used to create a connection (link) between the LAN to create a Wide Area Network.
Wireless bridge: a bridge that can combine berkabel network LAN and wireless LAN networks.

NIC (Network Interface Card)

Card network (LAN Card) is installed on the expansion slot on a motherboard computer (server or workstation) so that the computer can be connected to the network system
Each type of NIC are numbered addresses referred to as a Media Access Control Address (MAC address) during the 48-bit

NIC Type:

physical NIC
logical NIC

NIC Function
- Facilities to receive and send data over cable
inter-connected computer, in addition to the task of NIC
- Send data to another computer with the previous
prepare the computer so that data can be self -
Skipping to the media
- Controlling the flow of data between computers and systems
perkabelan connected with each other
- Receive data sent by other computers through the missionary
cable and translated into a bit
understood by the computer.

How it works based on the Ethernet Card broadcast network, where each node in a network to receive each transmission of data sent by a node to another.

physical NIC

Card that can be ditancapkan into a slot in the computer motherboard, which can be a card with the ISA bus, PCI bus, Eisa bus, MCA bus, or PCI Express bus
A card in the form of an external card with a USB bus, PCMIA, serial bus, parallel bus, or Express Card, increasing the mobility (for the mobile user).
Media-specific NIC;
Architecture-specific NIC, NIC Ethernet Card can be an Ethernet 10 Megabit / sec, 100 Megabit / sec, 1 Gigabit / sec or 10 Gigabit / sec

logical NIC

type of NIC that is not physically and fully use the software installed on the operating system and seems to work itself is a NIC

How To Install Ubuntu 8.10 (intrepid ibex)

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Switch and Hub

A network switch is a small hardware device that joins multiple computers together within one local area network .

Network switches appear nearly identical to nework hub, but a switch generally contains more intelligence (and a slightly higher price tag) than a hub. Unlike hubs, network switches are capable of inspecting data pakets as they are received, determining the source and destination device of each packet, and forwarding them appropriately. By delivering messages only to the connected device intended, a network switch conserves network bandwidth and offers generally better performance than a hub.

As with hubs, ethernet implementations of network switches are the most common. Mainstream Ethernet network switches support either 10/100Mbps Fast Ethernet or Gigabyte ethernet (10/100/1000) standards.

Different models of network switches support differing numbers of connected devices. Most consumer-grade network switches provide either four or eight connections for Ethernet devices. Switches can be connected to each other, a so-called daisy chaining method to add progressively larger number of devices to a LAN.


A router is a device in computer networking that forwards data packets to their destinations, based on their addresses.

When data pakets are transmitted over a network, they move through many routers in their journey from the source machine to the destination machine. Routers work with IP packets, meaning that it works at the level of the IP protocol

Each router keeps information about its neighbors. This information includes the IP address and the cost, which is in terms of time, delay and other network considerations. This information is kept in a routing table, found in all routers.

When a packet of data arrives at a router, its header information is scrutinized by the router. Based on the destination and source IP addresses of the packet, the router decides which neighbor it will forward it to. It chooses the route with the least cost, and forwards the packet to the first router on that route.


A real advantage in selling books through the post with the dealer is
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Your own mailing list in the package today's high cost of postage, get
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can still generate orders and profits and is one of the most
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reports and folios that appeal to the public; type
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other programs.

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return envelopes to do the job to sell you. simple
instructions that can be followed even by those who experienced.
In a long time can use the Mail Order books sell wholesale
program them to complete other projects, in many cases
sell books combine with other activities with the mailing
little added cost.

Prime Source will ship the order to your customer literature,
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name or label.

Your wholesale cost for publication will vary depending on the
if you have a Prime Source drop-ship directly to
dealer, or in quantity to the place of business. The amount you
the cost of your dealer will also vary depending on the drop-ship
services or the amount of purchase. You, as the wholesaler, should
make efforts to purchase the publication for at least four
time under the retail price.

You must ensure that enough inventory of the Prime Source
with different amounts, and titles that may be diverse
make up in quantity when you buy in volume. Determine whether
shipping is done immediately.

Must pay the price that often is the Prime Source
factor in determining the success of your program. If the book
retails at the price too low, considering the high price and
mailing cost, no profit can be realized by your dealer, or by
own, unless the order is limited to the minimum number of titles
for each total purchase. Make sure that the program offered by
Prime Source allows enough margin to pay all costs,
You and the dealer, while a profit just for you both.

To find the right program for the operation to write the number
companies that offer wholesale book selling program.
This can be found in one of the hundreds of Mail Order ad
sheets, magazines and publications that are available today. (Some call
"Junk Mail" but if they only new money-making potential
France, ( "Gold Mail will be more appropriate).

Literature and so they get the order from the minimum package
programs that interest you and in accordance with the Mail Order
schedule of business. Perform tests to prove the value of each program.
Drop those who do not demonstrate that after reasonable examination.


First, forget about the fiction! This can be purchased in almost every
store, in the corner in the library, or purchased through
Mail Order book of the club. Scientific, and technical books
other category who live far from. All else is good
Mail Order potential. There is a vast market in religious books
mainly related to the "End Times" However, most
books in this classification is controlled by various church

Self-help and do-it-yourself book for the best newcomer. Sex
book is one of the most profitable areas of book sales by
mail. Repeat orders are high, but so is the penalty if the state or
local laws are broken. Publisher does not sell advocate
such as one that can make a fortune without resorting
or what can be considered immoral.

Mystical and metaphysical books about specific areas of
ads generally do not demand much. Book health and recreation
have a stable market, but most bound by the company in
catalog business.

Select the type of books that most interest you. You can more
enjoy and promote something that you want. Keep a note card for each
your customers. And above all on the back satisfaction guarantee
with prompt and courteous refund policy


Tests showed the most important component of your mail package
if the book is selling order form. Many dealers are Mail Order
does not realize that most people in a "junk mail" will only
skim over the content of the package, making everything else besides
study and the order form to try to determine whether the offer

This is the case, it is most important that the sequence
form will be interesting, with words that make it ideal for extra
interesting. You must establish the order of the first ad to build
the rest of your mailing package around it.

Order form must clearly tell the prospect to take action
such as: "complete and send the information back to $ 9.95 with "..."
order form ", etc.

Should tell you what the prospect will only get a book,
magazine subscriptions, catalogs, membership, products, etc.

Must contain the sentence in which they receive benefits from
You offer, such as: "Yes, I would appreciate information about
How to Make a Million Without even Trying "... or ..." I submit
latest edition of your book about "How to sell books by mail",

Form must be large enough for the required information and
still included in the reply envelope. Color should be more prominent than
the rest of the letter so that it will easy for them to spot the right
away when they first open the package. Since the order form is
the first thing they will look when they pen a letter, which
bright colors will get immediate attention.


Once the order form, sales letter is generally the next most
important documents that are included in the sales package of your books. The
will review the prospects of sale or see what
involve the offer. First time up, usually they will press
with the title and that sentence is enough to generate a prominent
their interests. If it appears they will begin to attract
up and read the entire letter.

To maintain their interest because they must first check the mail, make
some of the more important part of your sales message stand
out by using capital letters, underlines, indentations, colored
ink, or handwritten notes with some of The Edge of the letter.
This "message" only to arouse interest and create
prospects want to read the entire letter. Therefore, they must
pressure does not state the words or main benefits of your offer.

You must use the information relating to the benefits that
prospects will come from reading books to your action
order books are not read directly from the book. In
In other words, let them know that they will benefit only when they
have been followed up and ordered the book, then in their lap and
they will learn how to do this, control or something of value to them
by reading the information

There has been a lot of controversies such as whether long or
short sales letter that makes the order. In general, keep
letter brief and to the point is the best policy, at least
for the first few books or publications. However, this depends on the
Do you only offer entails. The only way to truly practical
know which is the better way is to make the second and style
maintain a record of results.


When you are in this business, you can save a lot of
money by learning to prepare your own layout and "camera ready"
copy. Everything is ready for the printer from the camera and then they all
to do is shoot it, make a plate, toss on the offset
press run many copies as you want.

Although it takes more time than you might expect, when
start, it will pay you to do your own fold,
collating, the, stamping and mailing. When money
continue to pour in then you can buy the important letter
equipment, or have a good, reasonable letters to the printer or store
the field and mail for you while you concentrate on
promote and add more books for the operation.


This report is sold as information only. The contents of this
report is true at the time of publication. Purchase of this
full report, including reproductive rights and the right to return
this information in any way you want. If you come in every
information is out-dated please let me. I will be happy
To send you free when the next edition is published.

Real Estate STOP Paying taxes for FOREVER. No more property tax,
no school, sewer or other local civic taxes - ALL avoid this
tax with the only life boat in the AIR itself. Chinese
have been living aboard their boats for many generations so that this
is nothing new! You can buy a house with two 40 foot 220 HP
machine for a little as $ 11,000 on the term. For more information by
send a SASE to: HC Wilson, Box 177, Riverside, NJ.08075.

GET WITHOUT exclusive OFFICE RENT. How you do this is
to be a "Rental Manager." Many office complexes have been empty
because there is no room at the time, location manager for the show
space and a question. Knowing that the complex has
vacancy problem and find the owner. He will usually be happy
offer you an office if you answer the call, and appear at the
space to prospective clients.

GET $ 20,000 worth of FREE FURNITURE. You can get free
furniture and many other goods that was started by
"freebie Newspaper." What you do is contact store owners and
traders who are usually advertised in local newspapers and regular
offer to run their ads in exchange for free furniture, or other
merchandise. True, your ad will run free, but the possibility
You will not be paid for an ad space for the good. If you
promote this right, you can grow a large operation and go
paid in circulation before you know it. In the meantime, and
as long as you like, you can continue to receive FREE
commodity in exchange for advertising.

HOW TO INTEREST FREE money. There are several ways to
borrow money interest-free if you take the time to operate the
method. However, one simple way is to borrow from a
bank that offers "overdraft protection." You've seen this
banks by offering to extend your loan for the amount
overdraw your checking account. By creating two or more (and
credit limit can be up to each $ 5,000), you can write yourself a
"loan" from one bank cover the loan with another deposit
the bank where you have overdraft checking, and then repeat
process every day or two covering themselves with each other
deposit, you will not be charged interest because it will take two
or three days to catch up for a record - by the time you
others include the deposits made the original loan. Operated
In this way, you can save money interest free for some

OWN YOUR OWN CORPORATION million dollars IN 4 WEEKS. Here again,
is to assist your company in Delaware. In this country
law that can be used to assign each "par-value" to you as a stock
like - even if you do not have to return to asset valuation.
Therefore, it is possible to set a par value of $ 10.00 for each 100
shares and sold in the list of your books as "assets." It's
paper which is very much, but can be used in some situations
to improve your image among other prospective business partners.
By appearing wealthy, you can swing and make lots of friends
with people in higher positions of power. Try it.

GET NEW BUSINESS WHERE YOU Almost can not lose. Industry
Millionaires who produce more than the others in SALES. There
is one business where you almost can not not be lost and that
MAILORDER. A company called Rexon Inc., 676 Kingsley Ave., Orange
Park, FL.32073 recently have begun offering distributorships and
opportunities for both product lines. They provide a
initial supply of materials to get you started, and this
writing, guarantee your success by offering ten times your money
back on the beginner kit sales. While there are nominal
cost for the kit, they give enough free products to pay back
costs almost overnight. Thus, you can still go on
profitable business for almost FREE.

HOW TO GET FREE TRAVEL. Still more, and can refer
You as President of your non-profit organization and have
organization to provide you with "free" with all vehicles
expenditure. If our organization is a church related corporation,
You can tour Europe for free - to visit Church cathedrals as
example. A Church can raise money with a "sell" Charters, degrees,
and cheap paper for hundreds of dollars. Many non-profit
organizations sell "degrees" and diplomas for upwards of $ 1500
each - and it's all legal.

HOW TO MAKE MONEY WITH YOUR OWN AD Sheet. Usually ad sheets
started by cutting ad magazine publishers and other
insert its run-up to the "free". Beginners, which then
ad the letters to the dealer and ask them to re-run
ads with him that "X" amount of dollars per column inch. This is
risk early because many dealers will not purchase additional ad
space for one reason or another. DOMAR Enterprises, Box 581,
Laurel, MD.20810 have a method to launch a throwaway
almost 100% risk free. They will send you a full page
all-profit ads (people who pay 100% commission) and you run this
ad in the name of your first edition of your ad sheet. As
Paid ads come, you can simply replace the ad with 100% paid
ad. Until you are paid ads, you make money if
You are paid advertisers or not. In addition, THIS SAME COMPANY will
actually design your master ad FREE if you will run 3 x 6
ad in the first edition. Thus, you can make money advertising them,
and get a professional designed ad sheet free.

HOW to raise $ 200,00 IN 24 HOURS. Many people have been
opportunities to them where the cash is needed quickly.
Most people can not take advantage of the large
opportunities because they do not have the money. A simple procedure
available where you can make money within 24 hours. The
process easier and faster and require that you first create a
preparation and lay the basis for the plan. You can call
banking plan this proposal. Ten went to the bank and tells
loan officer at each bank you want to borrow $ 1000 for 30 days.
Once you do not pay the loans, wait 30 days and return to each bank
From which you borrowed the original $ 1000. This request
larger amount depending on what you think the bank will loan, say
$ 5000. If every bank approve a loan of $ 5000 you will be able to
Raise $ 50,000 the second time. Continue this step by step
process. Each time you go to the bank, and ask for the number of larger
pay back period. What you do, of course, is
Millionaires build credit assessment process by
reputation. That is, you always pay the money back if
Therefore, with the prompt and combined with the amount of loan
You have created and paid, you must form a very strong
credit rating and relationship with the institutions. Around
one year after using this process, you should be able to borrow
$ 20,000 from each bank on your signature. Using ten banks
this plan, you will be able to borrow up to $ 200,000 in
as a signature only 24 hours.

Eliminate debt with bankruptcy. In 1988 a federal law is
pass known as wage earner plan. This was organized by
same branch of our courts that handle bankruptcy. You must be a
wage earner to use this law - which is the primary requirement. The
Wage earner plan itself does not "wipe out" debts, but
little-known eligible you need for your creditors
appear. Statistics show that 40% failed to appear in which
If so, those who truly debt "wiped out". In some cases 100% of the
creditors who failed to appear that allows you to wipe out ALL
Your debts without bankruptcy. If some creditors do
appear, the court can be used to spread out payments
for three years in a small number can afford
pay. Once your file, you stop bill collectors, lawsuits,
judgements, assignments, seized bank accounts, and other actions
against you. An to top it all off, your credit rating is, in many
cases, an increase because you make honest efforts to work with
loan company. Additionally, if the seller used deceptive trade
practical technology of your purchase, you may be outside the debt wiped
under the provisions of Uniform Commercial Code. Under
The law's house, where you can stay exempt from tax to which
determined by local law. Check on the local courthouse.

Establish AAA CREDIT IN 30 DAYS. For this job you must plan in
at least $ 400 to start. You need to borrow from friends if you
required. Then go to the bank of your choice and deposit the
$ 400 savings into regular savings. He will take some
month for the account that will be posted and return to the bank to ask for
$ 400 for loans that offer savings as collateral. Since
Your bank already holds $ 400, there is no way you can lose by
400 Other loans and even they will not perform a credit check.
Then borrow the $ 400, you go to another bank, open a
savings, return a few days later, borrow $ 400 from the
bank savings account as collateral. Then repeat
Process in the three banks with $ 400 borrowed from the bank
use the savings account as collateral. Wait a few minutes and go
for this fourth bank where you open a checking account once.
Wait a few days and make payments in each of three other
loans. A week later, make payments again on the three loans, and
continue to pay you every sunday until the almost complete
balance. A credit invitation at this time will show you the
three active bank loans (which are considered difficult to obtain), a
checking account, and pay history for the three bank
loan - with which you paid in advance. Thus, you have a AAA
credit only within 30 days. From here you continue to apply
credit cards, and other items on the credit.

GET ANY CREDIT CARD YOU WANT. You should have no problem getting
all your credit card if you want to follow the above procedure first.
However, there are some rules to follow to ensure you do not have
difficulty in getting the card: 1) Apply for department
store cards first. Buy something and pay the balance when
because; 2) applies to gasoline credit cards listing your department
store cards as references; 3) Apply for bank cards - Master Fee
Visa and; 4) Apply for Travel and Entertainment card - United States
Express, Diners Club, etc.

HOW TO BUY LAND home and for some DOLLARS. Yes, you can buy
houses, apartments and land for next to no use
procedure of choice in the "sales tax lien and crime." This
made to recover unpaid tax on property auctioned
off 3 to 4 times each year. Check the local tax assessor for
date. In the past the person who picked up $ 50,000 as a home
only $ 2000, and apartments and land for similar discounts.

HOW TO STOP Paying taxes for PROPERTY YOUR HOME. The way to do
this is to sign over your title to your home, non-profit
organization. You can form your own church or organization and
apply for tax-free status in the courthouse. Or, you
can sign up title to your home or local church
other non-profit organization if you do not want to go to
heirs. Under this rule, you still living residence
although the property belongs to a local non-profit

HOW TO GET YOUR 3X6 CIRCULARS set FREE. This plan is very simple
You'll wonder why you never thought yourself. But after you
give it a try, you will thank us a thousand times to revealing
to you. There are literally hundreds of mail order
publications that will print your add by the "print"
method. This means that they actually set in type. It is
only method that an ad or circular can be done correctly and
good taste (commercial art excepted, of course). First, choose
a good publication and determine the words per inch policy. If
You nay have to offer merit at all, your ad in one of the MAIL SALE
Advertisers OR MAIL ORDER will sell for many times more
ad pricing. This means that your ads run free. And, after
your ad published in the magazine, you just clip it out,
mail to the printer, and quickly - you have an ad or 3 x 6
circular set FREE - plus you have made a good profit.

Ternak Ruminansia

all about "ternak Ruminansia" klik disini dan disini

How to / Tips Eliminate burn wound trace

When we recently experienced mild burns like motor exhaust is exposed to a hot frying pan or a light in the stove, we must address them immediately so that the wound did not leave the former or at least minimize its former incurred.

How, soon rendam to the injured in the water with normal temperature (± 27 ° C) about 5-10 minutes. This aim to be the temperature of the injured immediately neutral, because the part of the increased temperature. After that, the new oleskan salep special burn the quality guaranteed. Oleskan accordance with the instructions of routine, keep your skin as they are re-mulus.

There are still some people who believe myths to overcome the burn wound with a smear of ketchup, margarine, oil, and even toothpaste. In fact, it would lead to infected wounds, difficult to recover, and imprint.

I certainly can eliminate / minimize the scar caused.

Chromosome number of the Human, Animal And Plant

Chromosome is a structure that contains DNA makromolekul in which the genetic information stored in the cells.

Number of chromosome Living Being

1. Having the human chromosome 46
2. Having a dog chromosome 78
3. Having chicken chromosome 78
4. An onion chromosome 16
5. Having rice chromosome 24
6. Sea Star has 94 chromosome
7. Having bean chromosome 22
8. Own Land worms chromosome 36
9. Having Cemara chromosome 24
10. Gamdum Own Beer chromosome 14
11. Bread wheat has 42 chromosome
12. Having Hidra chromosome 32
13. Ikan Mas Own chromosome 94
14. Corn has 14 chromosome
15. Having mushroom chromosome 4
16. Pea Own chromosome 14
17. Having turkey chromosome 82
18. Kapah Penicillium Own chromosome 2
19. Having cotton chromosome 52
20. Frog has 26 chromosome
21. Kecoa Own 23 / 24 chromosome
22. Having donkey chromosome 62
23. Having potato chromosome 48
24. Kera has 48 chromosome
25. Cucumber has 14 chromosome
26. Cabbage has 18 chromosome
27. Cats Own chromosome 38
28. Own horse chromosome 64
29. Own House fly chromosome 12
30. Having radish chromosome 18
31. Merpati has 80 chromosome
32. Have mosquito chromosome 6
33. Having yeast chromosome 34
34. Cattle chromosome 60 has
35. Having chimpanzee chromosome 48
36. Own tobacco chromosome 48
37. Own House mouse chromosome 40
38. Irrigated mouse chromosome 42 has
39. Own tomato chromosome 24
40. Silk worm has 56 chromosome


If the income of the building is only sufficient to make the
payments and expenses and you don't gain any cash flow, you are
still getting the building paid for and perhaps in 5 years or so,
with continuing inflation, you can sell the building for
$200,000... a gain of $95,000 on a $5,000 investment. This is the
potential result of proper use of leverage.

A good rule to follow in applying leverage, relevant to any
business venture for that matter, is always provide a reserve.
Hold back some cash for emergencies. Hold back additional capital
so if you go under you will have a nest egg to start a new

Sometimes when things go sour and there is no way out it is
better to take the least loss possible, save what you can and get
out...NOW! Use the remainder to again find financing, margin
leases, mortgages, franchises and all the other manners of using
money belonging to others for both their profits and yours.

Selling your property for cash then leasing back on a long term
lease is an other form of leverage. If you sell for one million
dollars cash and lease back at $10,000 per month, you have
generated tremendous leverage. You now have $1,000,000 each with
10% down for each property, you now control 10 millions dollars
worth of income producing properties. Sometimes it is possible to
use options to hold property, with very little cash down, until
you can obtain title and take possession. This can produce
fantastic leverage if planned property.

Going public is an other method used to gain leverage by using
other people's money. You receive money from the public for
shares of your corporate stock and at the same time establish a
market value for your unissued stock.

Before you apply leverage on any proposition, be sure know just
what your are doing. There must be a continuous favorable cash
flow to service your debt, pay all your costs and expenses and
give you a reasonable profit. If weakness occurs in any one or
several of your business entities, it could drag down your entire


Franchising your business operation packet is another form of
leverage. You are selling others your know-how and the right to
use your system and/or product for a price, either a share of the
profits, a bulk payment or a combination of both.

It is not as simple as it used to be to become a franchiser, due
to controls and red tape established by the various state and
governmental agencies. In some states it is just about impossible
for the layman to proceed to wade through all the red tape
required to satisfy the laws. However, if it were easy to do, it
probably would not be profitable anyway.

When you have met all the requirements of the various agencies,
you will have an operating manual and pro-forma accounting
statement...You will have developed a turn-key package for your
franchise offering

To get started right get revised statutes of the state from the
Secretary of State and study the requirements for establishing
and selling franchises.

As your franchises become better known and after you have a few
locations, instead of selling one franchise at a time, offer area
franchise to "master" franchise holders. Get a portion of the
set-up charges for each area plus a continuing percentage of
gross business from each operating unit.



You can earn interest on non-existent money and buy bonds on a
regular basis without ever paying for any of them except the
first five bonds. You will need $500 in cash and a brokerage
account in both the U.S. and Canada. Open an account with a
canadian brokerage House and deposit a &500 check with them. On
the same day, before your check clears, open a brokerage account
in your home town. This one may be opened without any money.

You buy new issue bonds through your American Broker and state
that they MUST be delivered to your Canadian Broker for payment.
The very day that you purchase the bonds, you will start drawing
interest. It will take 5 or 6 weeks for the bonds to be
delivered, and all the time you will be earning interest.

With this plan, you can space your order so that you can have
$1000,000 or more in bonds on order. and when they arrive at your
Canadian Broker, it works like this:

The Broker accept the first five bonds of $1,000 each and place
them in your account. When the second $5,000 worth arrives, (you
must always order in $5,000 units), he then sells the first bonds
to pay for the third, etc...

The results are BIG profits for non-cash existing money. You can
actually earn up to 80% interest on money you don't even have.

Often the new bonds will have an increase in resale value to add
to the interest earned. Thus a $5,000 bond at 8% interest rate
that takes 60 days to deliver would earn $67.00 interest. If they
go up in value, you may pick up an additional $200 to $500 or
even more when they are sold.


Periodically a great deal of money has been made dealing in Penny
Stock but it is highly speculative and is perhaps once in a
lifetime that one is able to hit it right to cash in with a
spectacularly high yield.

To take some of the speculation out of it, many investors
purchase only 100 shares or so, of a number of different
company's stock. In this way they may only $50 to $100 invested
in each of 40 to 50 firms. This is one of the best ways to go
when getting acquainted with this kind of investment.

The stock of one of the Nation's larger firms, which now has
outlets in about every city in the United States, was selling at
60 cents a share in 1963. 100 shares at that time for a total of
$60 is now valued at over $75,000!

$9,000 invested in 1948 in stock of what was then a small timber
firm, was worth over $1,000,000 a few years ago, and in addition
would have proceed average dividends over the years sufficient to
equal a top salary each year. A person who invested at that time
would have been able to "goof off" from that time forward,
receive more money than working for a living and still have over
a million dollars in the bank or for other investments.

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